41 Free and Cheap Fun Things to Do When You are Broke

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Last updated on September 21st, 2024 at 10:28 am


Find some free or cheap fun things to do when you are broke to avoid getting bored and stressed. There’s also a time when both cheap and frugal people are extremely on a tight budget.

And they won’t have enough to spend as usual that’s why there’s a need to sit down at times to find some free and cheap fun things around. When you’re broke it doesn’t mean that you should stop yourself from having fun.

Enjoying life even though you’re broke helps to keep you in shape psychologically. And even though you’re broke there’re many things that you can do at no cost or at extremely cheap costs.

Knowing where and how to find such things is very important to sometimes substitute convenience. What I mean? You can move to a nearby library to access a book you want freely than buying it to read from home.

Doing things this way enables you to save even more money while on a tight budget.

The Things to Do When Youre Broke

Most of these things will help you have a relaxed active mindset throughout. And people won’t even know that you’re broke when you’re lively in whatever you do.

  1. Engage in Community Sports

basket ball court - Fun Things to Do When You are Broke

In case you’re a fan of sports there’s no reason to stress yourself when broke. Just be in touch with people that are into sports where you live and join them during such activities.

There’re local parks within your area that have several activities that you can join. And doing this you can be able to also display talent either through mentoring others or actively involving yourself.

  1. Cancel Minor Subscriptions

Spending on things that we don’t use is one of the leading factors in making us broke. A lot of money end month is spent on subscriptions that we don’t use at all.

And when you’re broke it’s the right time to look through all these things that take away your money. In case you can’t do it manually then you can try using tools like Clarity Money, True Bill, EveryDollar, or Trim

  1. Join the National Novel Writing Month

It’s a great way to kill boredom when you’re broke just in case you’re passionate about writing. The national novel writing month (NaNoWriMo) is in November and many people participate worldwide.

It’s aimed at people writing at least 50,000 words before the end of the eleventh month. Being part of the activity gives you exposure and helps build your writing skills to make money

  1. Get A Book to Read

Though some people aren’t good at reading, it’s a very good way to chill when you’re strapped with cash. It’s a free and cheap fun way to make it through the day with no worries on your mind.

And in case the free resources don’t meet your expectations then the kindle unlimited free trial could help you out. This contains some must-read books that you can go through hence get something to learn.

  1. Start Using the Local Library

One of the best places where you can get free fun things for information purposes it’s the local library. You can access information materials like books, videos, and audio at any time.

When you don’t have money to spend on information materials make good use of the library since it saves. And most of these places are spacious enough to accommodate a good number of people.

For convenience take your time to find out what your local library has for you such that you don’t stress about buying.

  1. Watch Your Favorite Movies

watching a movie - Fun Things to Do When You are Broke

Times are hard when you’re bored, just relax on your couch to watch your favorite movies. And since you’re broke you might not be in a position to Netflix but there’s a free trial here to take you through.

I like watching movies and I don’t know whether you’re that type but it’s a great way to relax.

  1. Look for Free Online Cooking Lessons

I think when you’re broke you now have the discipline to settle in one place. Why not get online to look out for free online cooking classes if you’re interested in learning cooking best practices?

And this can enable you to diversify your income when you turn it into an income-generating activity. Check out Instructables cooking school and the kitchen cooking school for free classes.

  1. Enjoy Podcasts

The best I can do here is to make you love podcasts because they’re a great way to spend the day with value.

I know there’s that program that you at least enjoy listening to sometimes over the radio or TV but also podcasts are worth your time. Podcasts can be accessed online or from the library saved on portable devices.

Truth is I don’t know your preferences but they offer a variety in terms of motivation, politics, or drama. Depending on the podcasts that you listen to, you can’t remain the same when you find your type

  1. Check Out Local Meetups

Yes, there are paid meetups but also there’re those where you don’t have to pay. Use meetup.com to look for those free events that are worth your time to participate in.

Several activities to check out on meetups may include political activities, seminars, and others. Ensure that the meetups you plan to attend are within your interests to avoid getting stressed at the venue.

  1. Practice Meditation

Even though you’ve never done any meditation practice it can’t stop you from trying it out as one of the fun things to do with nothing.

Just a few minutes in a convenient environment relaxing quietly can be a game changer in your life. And in practices like mindfulness meditation, it’s just about minding your breath as it goes in and out.

You can thank me later when you are done with your mind in good condition according to what meditation does.

  1. Write Up A Blog

Writing a blog is also among the fun things to do at home when bored, If you don’t have anyone to talk to then write a blog to free your mind from thoughts.

Sometimes when you’re broke you would like to spend time alone to plan what’s next. And yet in most cases, it drags you into deep thinking, which is not healthy at all.

When you sit down to write a blog in case you’re a blogger all the stress will be drowned with value in your head. It’s a smart way to relax freely when you have an empty wallet sometimes.

  1. Walk Around to Talk to Neighbors

Whether you’ve ever met your neighbors before or not it’s good to get time to walk around to chat with them.

This feels hard to most people in case they’re not social but still doing so helps you learn to get along with people. Some will be happy to see you though others might be of a type that doesn’t immediately accept strangers.

This is good practice to introduce yourself to the community and that’s how you can bring people into your life. In this, you may meet new people that could impact your life more than just sitting home to take coffee.

  1. Go Fitness Exercises

working out

Everyone needs to be healthy and fit to have a good life free from complications. When you keep fit you won’t spend much on medical but some of us fail to flex just even once a week.

If you want to enjoy exercising the best thing to do is get some workout music around to enjoy. And when you do this it’s fun trust me the following day you’ll consider working out.

I sometimes take a long walk in the evening as a way to exercise and also freshen up. This is a free and cheap fun thing you can do in case you’re broke to keep strong.

  1. Ride A Bike

Those of you who think that riding a bike is not enough I don’t agree with you. Simply because this practice is healthy and helps you do away with gym subscriptions.

Are transport costs messing up your budget? Then cycle to cut costs immediately. But keeping the bike in good condition is very important to avoid breakdowns when traveling.

  1. Volunteering

This is something that anyone can do without using any money at all in case you’re broke. And there’re many community organizations out there that you can work with by just volunteering.

Offer yourself voluntarily to do community work in organizations like Habitat for Humanity and United Nations. You’ll get to relax your mind in a cool new environment with a fresh mindset and increasing opportunities.

  1. Expose Your Skill

One of the best platforms you can use to get your skill out there to people is YouTube. Showing your skill to people can help you also earn some money in case they like it.

And this means that you have to do it in a way that shows them how it can positively impact in their lives. Your competence can be fun in case you use it the right way with a positive effect on the audience.

If you’re good at blogging then talk about it through YouTube a lot of us are waiting to hear from you.

  1. Take a Zombie Run Challenge

This can be done from wherever you’re whether walking, jogging, or running with music through the headphones. Get into your phone and download the zombie run app it’s free and motivating.

And of course, you know that running is healthy that’s why it should be among the top list practices to consider.

  1. Organize Your Home

Organizing a home is one of the things to do at no cost. Taking time to position things differently and keeping the house neat is a fun great way to keep up when times are hard.

It’s not just about changing things but you get a different feeling about the experience. Buying new things and putting them in the same place as the old ones where it’s like not changing anything.

Organizing things gives the house a new look even when household items aren’t new.

  1. Organizing the Closet

Most of us only look into the closet when we want to get that quick outfit. But we have no time to go through what’s in the closet to sort out what needs to be out or still be kept.

The closet is meant to accommodate only those clothes that are in use. And those not in use should be disposed of either to the needy or as waste.

This will keep your closet neat and well-arranged just in a short period.

  1. Draft A Letter

Emails and social media platforms are surely suffocating letter writing in today’s world. In case you have taken time without writing a letter please draft it in your free time to see how it goes.

Or you can make this real by writing it out to someone of your choice and then mail it. Honestly, it’s fun writing a letter then you wrap it in an envelope going out to someone special.

  1. Do Watch Birds

This is something nice that can help you relax your mind no matter your location. And when you have a smartphone it gets even much easier since you can just download an app that sorts you out easily.

Asking for the right way to do birdwatching? just click here to continue.

  1. Go to Trade Shows

Attending trade shows is a great way to provide your mind with new things with value. Finding them in remote areas it’s quite hard though when it comes to town areas it’s easy.

In trade shows, at times you have free fun with a drink or something to eat. There’re at times even prizes to win and in case you’re that lucky one you can go home loaded.

  1. Take Free Gym Classes

Many gyms give free offers to the community members to come to enjoy themselves as a way to attract clients.

You then don’t have to lose out when such a chance comes since it’s free of charge. They normally offer free classes in yoga, CrossFit, and others for quite some time say a week or two.

This can be a great way to use gym services without having to pay any money at all. All you have to do is keep updated about any new ones in your town that have such offers.

  1. Take A Tour Around Town

Move around town to check different places that you’ve never reached or to see new things. When you move around it’s a different type of experience you get compared to that while in a car or public transport.

And don’t go beyond prohibited places since you could end up being charged or fined yet you’re broke.

  1. Clean Your Car

In case you have taken time without cleaning your car this is the right time to do it. The best time to reset it to zero to give it a fresh new look to appear different.

So, just like other people do then you can also remove all the trash, scrub it and do the maintenance yourself.

  1. Work on DIY Maintenances

There’s no good time than this to do some things yourself at home without paying anyone. Work on some repairs on your furniture, try out painting, or maybe repair leakages on some pipes.

This might sometimes require paying someone to work on repairs but doing it yourself saves you from spending. Get time during the week to work on some DIY repairs to avoid spending on minor repairs.

  1. Find the Best Color Matches

I don’t know about you when it comes to matching colors at different times but it’s important to mind. The time comes when you can’t tell which colors can match your skin to look nice

But trying colorwise. I is fun during such times since it sorts you out in the best way possible. Colorwise. me has features that enable you to color analyze your face, digital palette, or wardrobe

And this is a free service that anyone can use without spending at all.

  1. Go Grocery Shopping

grocery shopping

Maybe for some reason, you decided to stop doing grocery shopping physically, it’s fine. Just try it out again you never know you could be missing out on some benefits.

Some good things come along with personally going to stores than doing it online. You’re most likely to get some free offers that clients get when they present themselves to stores in person.

For some days what makes me step into grocery stores, is that time with free things to sample like foods and drinks

  1. Check That Photo Album

Sometimes we fail to look through our photo albums when we have busy schedules. But it’s another way that can help you think through your past and get in zone when you’re broke.

Looking at those old photos helps you understand where you came from and also embrace the future to stay in touch. Whenever I get in my photo album there’re some old photos I can never delete because they inspire me a lot

  1. Swap Things

This way you want to exchange something for what you don’t have at no cost at all. Many of us like swapping because it saves a lot more than buying something new yet you’re strapped with cash.

Some people organize host swap parties to exchange electronic gadgets, clothes, and other household items. Just in case there’s something that you don’t want in your house you can swap it to get one that you want at no cost.

  1. Plan Getting Debt Free

Whenever you have debt it’s hard keeping some money in the savings account. And when you don’t have any money saved you’re broke since it all goes to clear debts.

However, planning how you can get out of debt is a good thing to do when broke. Just thinking about the fact that you can be out of debt gives you the motivation to find ways to get debt free.

  1. Eat outside

Not the usual way you do it while traveling or at the workplace please, this is far different. I mean organizing some good food on a budget home and then finding that green nice-looking park to chill.

Food tastes not the same as you do it during those normal days it’s a picnic. And there’re some nice foods that you can organize to eat from out yet made from home.

I don’t recommend buying already-made food if you can make it yourself and you want to save. Since I like food, I can’t spend months enjoying myself.

  1. Spend Time with Pets

If you had no time with pets in the past few days then now better get it they want you around. And it also helps you to relax your mind interacting with animals instead of people this time.

Whenever you get time for that dog or pussy cat it gets to love you more. You won’t have much stress since you’ve company of your pet always.

  1. Make Some Cookies

Getting some time to make your cookies is a cheap fun way to have something to eat on the side. But even though you’re down with cash you can share some with people around you like neighbors.

At times when you don’t want to make evening meals, cookies can make things right. I usually don’t take heavy night meals that’s why cookies are always an option on the side.

  1. Window shopping

window shopping

Not only should you window shop when you have money, but even without money you can do it. To me, it’s fun doing it and gives me the courage to work harder to get money for what I admire.

Whether you’re alone or with friends it all works since it is all about having fun without stressing.

  1. Go Through the Monthly Budget

Sometimes when you’re broke you need to go back and look through the budget. And here you’ll be able to find out which areas you need to cut back on to save.

Sometimes it’s hard to do it yourself hands-on, but there are budgeting apps you can use like Honey MoneyDigit or Empire Finance. These’re great budgeting apps to help you keep control of your finances.

  1. Study A Foreign Language

It’s another great way you can spend time with something new to learn providing value. Don’t get worried about costs there’re free resources online that you can use to learn any language of your choice.

And in case you want convenience you can just download an app onto your phone to study anytime. One of my favorite apps which is even free is Duolingo and it contains most languages that are internationally recognized.

I believe you can’t fail to learn at least one depending on how much you apply yourself.

  1. Attend Prayers

You might not be good at going for prayers but it’s one of the best things you can do to spiritually keep strong.

It builds your faith and also have hope in life even when the situation gets tough. Attending prayers will enable you to learn about different things in our daily lives according to readings.

When some people go for prayers they get relief in many ways that could bother them. All I can say, it’s a free and fun way to live in times when you’re down or strapped with cash at hand.

  1. Journaling

If you don’t have a journal then your better access one to write down your experiences. It helps you track your way about now and in the future in an informed manner.

You don’t need to have a very nice-looking journal to start journaling even a simple notebook works. Writing down your thoughts about today and the future is a great way to build confidence in life.

  1. Answering Surveys to Get Paid

When you’re broke I don’t advise you to spend money signing up for surveys. But answering surveys is an easy way you can make money fast without any cost to you.

There are very many survey apps and sites that you can join to start making easy money. Some of the best survey platforms include Survey Junkie – Swagbucks – Inbox Dollars – Opinion Outpost and Life Points

It takes time to accumulate those points that can be redeemed for cash but it’s worth the effort.

  1. Get A Breather

Resting is a very good way to relax your mind after that long day of hustling here and there. And it’s also a recommended healthy practice for our lives to naturally rebuild.

After all, there are no costs incurred when you rest, then why not relax your mind?

Closing – Fun Things To Do When You Are Broke

Even though you’re living on a tight budget you need to have fun to stay in good condition. And the list of fun and free cheap things you can do when you’re broke is here to get you covered.


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