11 Things to Sell at the Farmer’s Market – What and How to Successfully Sell Ultimate Guide

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Last updated on September 21st, 2024 at 10:28 am


picture of produce at the farmers' market

Fresh produce, homemade natural products, and others are some of the things to sell at the farmers’ market to make money You want more about what things will get you paid at the farmer’s market to make money, right?

Whether you’re planning to side hustle the fresh produce business or not, it’s a good idea to know what and how to sell to the farmers. And you don’t need to have a lot of money in order to start the business.

Working at the farmer’s market selling items can make you some good money while using small capital. But let’s now look at what and how to sell at the market successfully to make a profit in the shortest time possible

In order for things to work your way you must put in the work by either growing foods or buying cheaply from others to sell at a profit. There’re many people making a full-time income this way by selling items at the farmer’s market.

What Is a Farmers Market?

It’s a market of farmers that is made up of buyers and sellers of agricultural produce and other locally made items. People cheaply buy a lot of things from the farmers’ market to use at home and in the process, innovative farmers market ideas enable farmers to make money to support their families too.

In this market, sales are mostly made to final consumers which is why consumers get things in plenty at lower prices though farmers still get good money here.

What Items Are Sold at The Farmers Market?

In the first place, you need to ask yourself questions like “What permits do I need to sell at a farmers market”. But if you think you first need to be a farmer in order to make money from a farmer’s market that’s not right.

In this kind of market, there’re lots of other things sold in addition to farm produce. And not everyone that works in a farmer’s market is meant to be a farmer to earn money there.

Yes, many work there yet they don’t even know how to prepare a garden at all but it’s just that they know what they want from the market. Surprisingly still, there’re some people who are not farmers but make thousands of dollars more than farmers in the market.

Do you want to know what things sell at the farmer’s market? Let’s break them down into detail in the best way possible.

  1. Produce

Whether you’re a farmer or not you can get into selling produce at the local market to make money for a living. The truth is most of us think that all people in the farmer’s market selling produce are farmers which is not correct.

And if that’s the case, then anyone can get started such that he or she can get paid working there selling raw foods like cassava, sweet potatoes, carrots, and yams. Is selling at the farmers market worth it? There’s demand for produce in the market since most of them are used on a daily basis.

Everyone has a shopping schedule and most times it’s done over the weekend hence there’s a lot of demand for products over the weekend.

Asking why the farmers’ markets get too crowded over the weekend, right? Usually, things at the farmers’ market are fresh and cheaper compared to grocery stores. However, you need to offer better competitive products and other items than others in order to make the most out of the farmer’s market.

Therefore, it’s not just about selling anything you find in the market you must strategize in order to have an edge over others.

  1. Flowers And Plants

picture of flowers and plants in a green house

Some of the things that can make you money are flowers and other houseplants. People want to make their homes look better and nice with flowers whether natural or artificial.

And if you have different species with you for sale, you’re most likely to kill it since there’s demand. Despite mature flowers and plants also seedlings make money in the market.

There’re lots of nice-looking flowers that you can sell like apple blossom for preference, aster for love, angelica for inspiration, and more. It’s true people buy flowers for decoration but others put into consideration their meanings.

  1. Meat, Milk, Cheese, and Eggs

Birds and animal products like meat, milk, cheese, and eggs can make you some money in the farmer’s market. If you can diversify and keep chicken and cows, you’ll have enough for the market to share with the community.

These products are body-building foods and they are recommended by experts to be consumed for healthy living. And that’s why they are in high demand which can make you a lot of money.

Also, just in case you don’t have birds or cattle you can buy cheaply from farmers and then resale in the market at a profit. You want to get paid to sell cattle and chicken, right? You can decide to add value to eggs, milk, and meat.

Value addition can mean packaging, making yogurt out of milk, making powdered eggs, and more.

  1. Baked Goods

As said before there’re lots of things that you can sell to make a profit for a living. Baked items are among the many which can make you some good money in the community market.

Can you make bread, cookies, samosas, pies, and more? If yes, then what are you waiting for to get started selling there? And to earn some good money from baked items you just need to offer quality and be considerate though there’s a ready market.

Try to be creative just in case you want to make more money from baked items in the farmers’ market.

  1. Beauty Products and Detergents

picture of beauty products and detergents

Beauty products it’s not just about women since everyone wants to look good. And because there’re many people in the farmers’ market then there’s a ready market for beauty products and detergents.

We all know that most of these items have a negative impact on our lives but also at the same time good say soap and cleansers. Therefore, if you can make these items yourself you can earn some good money in the market or on the market day.

  1. Arts & Crafts

If you’re good at making Arts and Crafts there’s a ready market at the farmers’ market. You can sell there all kinds of pieces as long as you’re creative enough and competitive to enable the creations sale.

Many items in the line of Arts can make you some good money but you must put in the work and also avail yourself at the right time. Arts and Crafts include wood carvings, doll clothes, drawings, baby items, paintings, quilts, and more.

All these items can be a game changer in case you want to get into selling at a local farmers’ market. Therefore, many people at the farmers’ market make money in Arts and Crafts yet they are not farmers.

  1. Honey

You don’t have to be a beekeeper in order to earn from beekeeping projects. But as long as you have a ready market to make sales like at the farmers’ market then why not venture into buying honey and selling at profit?

Some people in the farmers’ market make money reselling other people’s goods at a higher price saving the profit. Even though you’re not passionate about selling honey, you can inform a friend in a bee-keeping project about the available opportunity.

And we all know that honey is healthy and very much recommended by experts since it works on bacterial infections, skin problems, sore throats, and others.

Value addition when it comes to selling honey it’s very important in case you want to make more money out of it. There are also other items that make money apart from honey like selling bee hives to whoever is interested in starting the project.

Some people will need to get lessons about beekeeping hence you need to diversify your income source given you’re in business.

  1. Nuts and Seeds

You’re looking for ways to earn from the farmer’s market, right? Nuts and seeds can make you some good money in the shortest time possible from vendors.

There’s a ready market for edible nuts and seeds in the farmer’s market but you’ve to provide them at competitive prices.

Also, quality is very important if you want to get more money from selling seeds and nuts in the farmer’s market. Always ensure to find out which items sell the most in the market.

  1. Beverages

Not all people in the market can possibly carry their own drinks that is sellers or a buyer. Selling beverages to people can be a side hustle and later when things get better maybe you can full time.

Many in the market look out for drinks when they get thirsty and in case you can provide them you could make some good money there.

If it’s possible to supply a few people in your local town then what about in the big crowd at the farmers’ market where you don’t have to wait for long for somebody to make a purchase? Drinks like sodas, apple cider, wine, and more are good income earners in the farmer’s market.

And not everyone’s beverages can sell but as long as you can provide quality in the market it gives you an edge to make more sales. Therefore, you need to be creative in selling beverages in order to stand out and make money.

  1. Men and Women Wear

In the farmers’ market, it’s not just about agricultural products but also items like clothes that can make a pocket killing. Some people have many clothes at home that they no longer put on yet can be sold off in the market to get back some money.

But also, if you can make your own designs, it’s possible to get paid a lot more than you can imagine. A farmer or any other person at the market is willing to buy whatever design looks nice in case he or she has money.

As said in the lines above creativity is very important more so when it comes to fashion and design. Design and sell items in the market that match the order of the day say over the weekend it’s better to avail weekend clothing designs, gifts, and other related items.

As time goes on you need to identify yourself with a custom clothing brand in order to stand out.

  1. Canned Goods

picture of canned goods

Other things to sell at the farmer’s market are shelf-stable homemade canned goods. Butter-pounded g-nuts, jam, and others that are naturally made are most preferred and they make money fast in the market.

Most times canned goods stay on for a long in grocery stores on shelves and that’s why people prefer going for homemade with value in local markets. And in order to have an edge over other canned goods sellers it’s better you also diversify your income in order to make more money.

There’re lots of items in the farmer’s market that you could add value to in order to come up with fresh stable canned creations say grains, soya beans, honey, and others. Value addition and creativity are very important aspects of business in case you want to increase your sales.

How To Successfully Sell at The Farmers Market

Even though you might be ready with what to sell at the farmers’ market that’s not enough. There are some things that you need to consider before getting started in order to successfully make sales.

It doesn’t matter how often you want to engage yourself at the farmer’s market with the crowd in order to earn. In a few paragraphs let’s find out ways in which to get better at the game in the local market with best practices.

  • Look Out for Local Farmers’ Markets in The Community

Yes, you know what you want to sell but where are you going to sell from in order to make money easily? In fact, you won’t sell in every market hence you must strategize and find out where it’s good to get started.

Find out from farmers and buyers if what you want to invest in some money could be a success in that market. Most times different items sell in different markets that’s why you need to find out what the potential marketplaces are before investing.

Homemade canned goods might not sell in some markets yet can sell in other markets around your local area. Make use of information resources to find out what markets are best for your products such that you don’t end up making losses.

  • Understand Community Health Regulations and Laws

All communities around farmers’ markets have regulation laws concerning health which one must get to know about. It’s then your duty to find out how to go about them such you can work within limits in order to succeed.

Local health authorities can easily shut you down just in case they realize that you’re operating outside the law. There’re regulations on packaging, storage, ingredients, and other items that you might want to use in the process.

You then need to be conversant with any or consult with the health department in that line of business in order to conveniently operate.

  • Create A Business Plan

It’s never good to underestimate an opportunity at the farmers’ market like most people do. This is something that you’re going to start as your own business and you need to come up with a business plan.

Yes, before you get started it’s wise to create a document that can thoroughly explain the objectives and way forward to success. If you’re not good at writing a business plan consult with trusted sources online and offline.

You need to know how you’re going to finance the project, the strategies to use in marketing, how to go about legal procedures and more. Talking of a business plan, most people find it hard to structure but it’s not as hard as you think.

Don’t think about coming up with a huge volume paper business plan yet even a 500-quality worded plan can effectively work.

  • Budget Your Finances

Whether it’s startup capital or not you must ensure that the money you use in business is properly accounted for all the time.

This will help enable you to keep track of your income and expenditures in business. There’re different types of expenses that people incur say rent, transport, packaging, material costs, and more.

If you’re to succeed in the farmers market don’t underestimate petty expenses at any one time or else you might end bankrupt in no time. Therefore, budgeting most importantly helps you in the proper allocation of resources.

  • Register The Business

Though in some communities with farmers’ markets, it’s not a must to register a business but has a lot of benefits attached to it. It’s pretty clear that in case you want to grow in business the best option is to register it early enough to get brand recognition.

There’re local markets where you’re required to avail Employer Identification Number (EIN) while in others as a vendor you’re meant to provide Taxpayer Identification Number (TIN).

Therefore, if you want details on items required like employer identification number contact the internal revenue service for assistance. Farmers’ markets in different locations have different requirements hence you must consult in order to get clear.

  • Insurance

Though some people ignore insurance, it’s really a big thing in business if you want to keep moving. Farmers’ markets in some communities require sellers to have insurance for their property in order to keep safe just in case of a disaster like fire, earthquake, and more.

And if that’s the case with where you work it’s better you look out for better insurers that won’t disappoint you.

Mobile POS Systems That Work Best at A Farmers’ Market

At the farmer’s market, there’re different Portable Point of Sale systems that a farmer can use in order to process credit card payments. And these require no Wi-Fi connection or electricity supply to function.

If you want convenience, you can use a mobile phone or an iPad and a pocket-sized card reader. Let’s now look at some points of sales systems that work best in the market.



  • No monthly charges
  • Inexpensive chip contactless card reader
  • Payments can be made on almost any phone
  • Flat-rate payment processing

PayPal Zettle


  • Has a chip/tap reader with a screen and pin pad
  • Accepts PayPal payments and Venmo using QR code technology
  • Offers flat-rate processing
  • It doesn’t accept EBT though includes invoicing



  • Flat rate processing
  • Reasonably priced mobile readers
  • No monthly charges

Final Thoughts About Selling At The Farmers Market

Working at the farmers’ market selling goods is a great way to make money fast in case you’re struggling without a profession. A farmers’ market it’s a community of people hence you get to connect with different individuals and at the same time land better opportunities.

What are you going to sell? How much do you want to invest? When do you want to get started?


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