13 Reasons as To Why Your ATM Card Is Not Working to Use Your Money

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Last updated on September 21st, 2024 at 10:28 am


picture a person holding a visa card

Sometimes it’s really hard to be patient when the ATM card is not working and yet you need money. I have money in the account, what’s wrong with the atm card or the ATM is faulty? The bank officials will get such questions from your side and they have to give feedback.

However, it takes some time and patience to work on Atm card problems for solutions in the most effective way possible. I have been in quite several situations where people were behind me lining up in the bank just because the atm card or debit card is down.

Though it’s possible to get access to your money when you get straight to the bank, you need to know why the inconvenience.

There’re lots of explanations about the incident in case it comes up unexpectedly. And It’s not right to immediately complain to the bank since at times the cause might be on your side.

Yes, you might have mistaken the pin or even maybe the debit card expired but you didn’t get time to renew it. It’s a tough moment but easy to manage when you put yourself in the know.

But in order to get sorted effectively you need thorough explanations to understand why the atm card or debit card isn’t working.

The ATM Card Isn’t Giving Me Money, why?

picture of a person putting an Atm in an Atm machine

When it comes to money most people lose patience that’s why at times it gets tough on the side of the bank. There could be incidents where the client has tried all possible means and nothing but yet the bank has to find ways to sort things out.

If the atm card is neither giving money nor making any transaction then it’s of no use to the client. However, you need to know why you can’t access the money on your card to find a solution.

And the service providers are always available to offer assistance online and offline to better service delivery. Therefore, different factors may fail your atm card from working which you must know as explained below

  1. Pin Error

Making a pin error is a common mistake for most people and it fails card transactions. I know this may be related to some kind of unseriousness but it happens and it’s normal since we’re humans.

If you’re the type that changes pins most times, I guess you know what am talking about. Also, take an example where you’re using similar digits on different platforms but only you interchanged the digits.

In such a scenario you’ll sometimes get confused about the order of the figures and may fail to make a transaction. And you may decide to relax the transaction to make it some other time with a fresh mind.

  1. Dented ATM Card

Here the card isn’t working and may not give you money because it is scratched, damaged, or spoiled hence you need to find ways how to fix a declined debit card with a dent.

Some people don’t keep their cards safe or say it gets damaged by accident and they didn’t realize it. The most delicate area of the card is that of the magnetic strip hence you must keep the card safe such that it’s not spoiled.

Try to check thoroughly well if card failure is due to scratches, damage or deformations, and other related causes. But what if there’s none of the above? Then you just have to contact the service provider for assistance or get a replacement.

  1. Expired Card

Some people don’t take the time to check when their debit card will expire to make preparations for a new one early. And here you’ll find yourself asking yourself “Why is my visa card declining when I have the money?

Though, most service providers remind clients to renew or even process a new one on behalf of the client in the shortest time possible to avoid any inconveniences.

I don’t know about you but there’re scenarios where some clients may not get immediate help hence you must contact the bank directly.

Therefore, it’s very important to always check on the expiry date of the card from time to time. And it will be a rare case at any one time to get let down on some transactions you want to make.

  1. Inadequate Funds

Your atm card won’t give you money that you don’t have on the account, to be honest. Yes, the atm card might be working but when you don’t have money on it to make transactions.

It usually happens when you don’t thoroughly monitor the credit on the account in the bank. And of course, the card will be declined hence not accepting the transaction you want to go through.

However, in some incidents you might surely expect money to be there but when the paycheck got delayed. It’s frustrating when you realize that you won’t be able to purchase due to insufficient funds.

  1. Invalid Pin Code Attempts

Your atm card can get blocked in case you enter the wrong pin many times. And when the card gets blocked you can’t use it to make any transaction you want apart from contacting the bank for help.

The atm or debit card can get blocked when you make many wrong attempts and it’s fine. But when it gets blocked yet you haven’t used it all it’s worrying hence the bank might block the card for security reasons.

There might have been someone trying to penetrate your account using your card details. And if that’s the case still you have to contact the bank for assistance to rectify the problem.

  1. Unauthorized Transactions

The atm card isn’t giving you money but is the transaction you’re making endorsed? The card might have been deactivated just because the transaction is not permitted.

And then you can ask yourself what an illegal or unauthorized transaction would be like, right? At times you might not have intended to do it.

But you need to consult with your bank whether it’s the cause such that you can get help in time. Some banks may restrict you from using their cards to make purchases in some locations around the world.

While others will only permit the transaction when you contact them to make it go through. Therefore, it could also be an illegal transaction done by you or an imposter.

Thus, you must contact the bank officials to be advised when the card gets blocked.

  1. Transaction Limit

It doesn’t matter whether you have sufficient funds in the account but as long as you reach the maximum daily limit depending on the bank the atm card is suspended. And you can’t make any other transaction until the following day as per the bank policy terms of service.

To some people, it’s frustrating though, on the other hand, it’s done for security concerns. Take an example where someone takes your card wanting to withdraw almost all the money from the account.

But if there’s a maximum limit it will be hard for someone to take all the money in the account. However, when you want to increase your limit it’s again between you and the bank to work things out.

And the bank usually advises on what needs to be done right such that the money in your account is kept safe.

  1. Faulty ATM Card Machine

The ATM might have worked for quite some time and it has gotten some mechanical problems. And when the machine gets faulty the debit card can’t make any transaction as you would wish.

You can’t use the money since the card is declined by the machine till when it’s repaired or use a nearby machine. A faulty machine is characterized by inactivity and other technical bank issues.

It sometimes gets tricky repairing the machine on time that’s why you’ve to use a different machine or use other means to transact.

  1. New Card Activation

In case you’ve just gotten a new card it needs to be activated to work effectively. Yes, if you have not yet activated the card you can’t access your money to make purchases.

Some banks have a set period in which activation has to be done. And when it’s not done on time then you’ve to again consult with the bank for help.

But thanks to software development whereby nowadays it’s even possible to activate the card via an app using a phone to start using the money. Using an app, it’s possible to do it with convenience, and in no time you’re ready to go.

  1. Wrong Information

Apart from using a wrong pin or incorrect digits, all the other information used on the card should be entered correctly. You have to make sure that you verify the information used in making a transaction.

And if you don’t confirm the information, you might likely at times get some challenges transacting though you’ve funds in the account.

Verify your name, pin code, the amount on the account, transaction amount, and other information details that matter to make the purchase go through. Therefore, ensure to confirm any information that you use such that you can effectively transact fast with convenience.

  1. Restricted Locations

In case the bank restricts certain locations, you won’t be able to use the card to purchase those places. The atm card won’t work unless you contact the bank on how you can be helped to access the money.

This was common back in the day but due to technological advancements, it’s quite improving. And it’s one of the measures in place used intended to control spending from restricted locations.

Make inquiries about why your card doesn’t operate in certain locations such that in case you happen to travel there you have a proper solution.

But there’s always an option even though you want to move to a restricted location where your card is likely to not work. Make use of the policy terms of the bank to avoid any inconveniences.

  1. Un Updated Card Information

For security concerns, a bank might have sent you notifications to update your information yet you didn’t. And when it gets to using the card, you can’t be able to access the money on it until you find ways how to fix a card with un-updated information.

This could be in the form of additional information to make strong or reset the pin code, verifying the name used in the bank, and others.

You must do the necessary as directed by the bank to enable the card to make transactions. This comes to a point where you must take note of any bank notifications that pop up on your phone.

  1. ATM Card Compatibility

In some stores, you can’t use any card in case you want to make a transaction. However, some cards work across different stores say master card and Visa card.

So, when you realize that the card isn’t working at a certain store it might be a compatibility issue that needs to be assessed. You’re most likely to find challenges transacting at certain stores in case you don’t have a Visa card or another card that cuts across.

Therefore, it’s not good to rely on the card though you’re pretty sure that there’s money in the account. Keep some hard cash in your wallet to avoid being inconvenienced when you want to make an online transaction.

This Is What You Should Do in Case the ATM Card Isn’t Working

picture of someone standing by the ATM - ATM card is not working

You can try out different ways which to fix the problem such that you can transact using your money.

  • Verify Information

This starts with the pin code or other credentials that need to be entered to make a transaction. If you’re the type that changes pin codes you might have entered the wrong one.

And of course, the bank’s app you use is well programmed it can’t accept incorrect information.

  • Contact The Service Provider

Sometimes working out the problem on your own it’s hard that’s why contacting the service provider is an option. The bank will sort out any card issues that you present as long as it’s within its control.

You can either seek help through phone contact or physically reaching at the bank premises to talk to officials. Ensure to identify yourself with the bank while on the phone and not be doubted to get thorough help.

  • Confirm the Amount in The Account

Your Atm card might not be working just because you lack money in the account. And this is something that can be worked out fast when you immediately get to know about it.

If you want to make an online transaction then put enough money in the account to proceed and make a purchase.

What About ATM Consumer Protection Regulations on Errors?

Atm card users are legally protected by federal law on fraud and errors as they happen. And honestly, everyone has ever experienced such issues though some when it comes to taking lawful measures they step back.

There’s a federal reserve regulation that legally instructs on electronic fund transfers using credit cards known as regulation E.

It states that the bank has to carry out investigations on any claims presented by the client. And here the financial institution has to handle the complaints immediately as the law states.

It also provides that the investigations should go for 10 working days under the law to find a solution. Sometimes it may take more than 10 days but the client has to receive temporary credit known as provisional credit.

Provisional credit is when the bank comes across an error and that’s when you only happen to keep the funds.


Why can’t I make transactions when there’s money in my account?

Several times my card was declined yet I had money in the bank. And when I talked to the bank it was very elaborate about the reasons as to why it was happening as explained.

I don’t know about you but this happens to several despite positive balances. But when you identify the problem it’s easy to get the solution for example using an old pin code instead of the current pin.

In case you have money on the account and using the correct information but the card not responding accordingly it’s frustrating. Yes, it happens and the only way to go about it is to contact the bank official to get thorough assistance.

What can I do when the ATM card doesn’t have sufficient funds?

Sometimes you may not be able to make purchases because the Atm card doesn’t have enough money. It might require you to get more funds to make the purchase.

The Atm usually notifies you about the status of the account and you won’t be able to transact. But in case you want to get access to the money left on the account it’s fine though not more than what you hold in the account.

Why am I not able to transact using a Visa card?

Before you take extra steps check the balance on the account or find out whether the card has been suspended. And since most times I use online stores, I try confirming if am not restricted from making purchases through them.

But in case you can’t find the problem with the visa card then it is better to contact the service provider.

Wrapping It Up

Surely, it’s frustrating to find out that your atm card is not working and you won’t be able to make the transaction. Yes, you may need money but when nothing can be done immediately.

But you can’t settle for less that’s why you have to look into several reasons why the card isn’t working to make things right.

  • Pin error
  • Dented atm card
  • Expired card
  • Inadequate funds
  • Invalid pin code attempts
  • Unauthorized transactions
  • Transaction limit
  • Faulty atm card machine
  • New card
  • Wrong information
  • Restricted locations
  • Un updated card information
  • Atm card compatibility

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