30 Profitable Automobile Business Ideas to Start

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Last updated on August 27th, 2024 at 06:07 am


Listing car business ideas to start

With creativity and innovativeness at hand today for survival, there are different profitable automobile business ideas to start. Whether ordinary or hybrid type vehicles they can all be a target for business purposes to earn a living.

Automobile industry is made up of the formal and informal business sectors accommodating skilled and unskilled labor force.

If you want to get into the automobile business but don’t know where to start, continue reading through this elaborate write-up. Sure, several car business ideas are put together for you to pick out your match.

Pros and Cons of Starting Automobile Businesses

There are advantages and disadvantages associated with starting automobile businesses. Let’s briefly get into the pros and cons.


  • Flexibility
  • Unlimited opportunities
  • High service demand
  • Scalable


  • Some businesses require a lot of capital
  • Complex regulatory requirements
  • Unpredictable economy
  • Stiff competition

Automobile Business Ideas to Start

Starting a specific automobile business comes into play when you identify a problem that needs to be solved.

Despite an extra charge, people are willing to pay for the convenience that comes with the service offered. As an entrepreneur when you are just starting it’s quite challenging but very rewarding over a while.

  1. Mobile Mechanic

Mechanic working on a car

If you are a trusted and reliable mechanic, people will contact you for mobile services to work on their cars whenever there is a need. Even when you have a business location, this is where you can get paid an extra fee to move from your premises.

Besides, when the automobile side hustle grows you can decide to quit paying rent to work from home to reduce costs. Some people may take time to consider you for business but when you offer better services as time goes you will get referrals from loyal customers.

  1. Delivery Service Driver

Whether you have your car or not, start delivery driving to make money. This is one of the easiest automobile business ideas to begin given you are an adult with a driver’s license and a clean driving record.

There are lots of opportunities from online delivery apps for drivers to work full-time or part-time. Here you can decide to deliver food, medical supplies, documents, and other items depending on the service provider.

  1. Car Hire

Do you know that car rental service is another fastest growing automobile business you can start to earn a passive income? You can get paid hundreds of dollars a day using your car without putting in any effort at all.

Some people prefer car renting to private car ownership because it saves sometimes. Most companies today are into car hiring to run daily activities to avoid costs that come with owning business vehicles like insurance and maintenance charges.

Planning to start an automobile service, right? Car hire is another great profitable idea to look through for business.

  1. Mobile Car Wash

Forget about just waiting for customers to come to the washing bay, try to be creative for survival in this unpredictable economic environment of today. People with busy schedules sometimes won’t have time to come around or even do the washing themselves at home but will be willing to pay an extra fee for mobile service.

If you have a mobile car wash machine, you don’t need a lot of capital when it comes to car wash detergents and other products required to offer the best service.

  1. Tyres Store

Do you have an idea about the different types of car tires in the market? If yes, then you can also start up a car tire shop in a strategic location to make money selling tires in various sizes to car owners and businesses.

This is also one of the most profitable car business ideas to start no matter where you are around the world. Cars are almost in every part of the state or country and the demand for car tyres can’t be exhausted.

  1. Mobile Food Truck

Start a mobile food truck business in your state to earn an extra income alongside your day job. However, consider approaching the authorities for authorization to avoid inconveniences.

If you can make nice food people will support the business since some don’t have time to make meals at home. Designing a mobile food truck to standard is quite costly but this is one of those businesses that won’t disappoint in terms of returns.

  1. Car General Accessories Shop

Another great car business to start up is a car accessories shop. People want to improve their cars all the time and if you have items they are looking for you can make some good profit margins.

When you are just starting you might not have it all, most things that sell can be learned on the job through networking with others. Selling car accessories is very profitable though quite competitive.

  1. Car Towing

Most of the time cars break down along the road when they just have to be moved on a car carrier or pulled to the garage for repair. Start a car towing business to move faulty vehicles to a garage for repairs and maintenance.

However, you need to have some knowledge about the road conditions in the areas where you are going to operate. It is not just about the money but also the type of work you are going to do for safety purposes.

Thinking about where to start? Most importantly you need a tow truck though it is quite costly.

  1. Driving School

Starting a driving school requires experience in driving. Besides, you are required to present some documentation and also apply to be authorized to operate.

It is one of those automobile businesses that require a good amount of capital to buy training vehicles to use. Despite startup costs, teaching people how to drive is a lucrative business with lots of opportunities in the industry.

  1. Car Window Tinting

This is a great car business to start with little to no capital required. Sure, if you don’t have money to invest in the business you can negotiate with the client to buy material and you only charge labor.

However, if you want to do business at scale you need to train workers how to effectively provide the best services to clients to make the most out of the startup.

  1. Painting and Branding

Car painting

Provide car painting and branding services to car owners. Every day some people want to paint or brand their vehicles for different reasons, such as covering scratches, changing color, and labeling.

Start a car painting and branding business in a strategic location around your state to extend services to clients. Let people get to know about your business and offer competitive quality services with flexibility.

  1. Automotive Insurance Brokerage

It doesn’t matter whether you are driving or not to offer insurance services to car owners. Apply for an insurance brokerage service provider license from a mother company to start offering car insurance services like motor third party and motor comprehensive insurance.

Is there a high demand for car insurance services in your area? If so, then an insurance service provider outlet should be set up to cover the gap.

As you diversify income streams in the automotive industry for business, providing car insurance services should be on the priority list of ideas to consider.

  1. Electric Vehicle Charging

There is a mass production and supply of electric vehicles in different parts of the world. Demand for electric cars is at the same time on the rise to curb fuel consumption for environmental protection.

This comes down to one big thing, putting up an electric vehicle charging station around your city. Starting the business is quite expensive because you need a reliable power source and enough charging space.

  1. Automobile Dealership

In the United States car dealership business brings into the economy billions and trillions of dollars every year. Since it is one of the fastest-growing businesses, there are lots of opportunities here to make money.

You don’t have a parking space, right? Lease strategic parking space for your cars to start a serious business.

Like any other business, you need to properly understand the industry to provide the best service through connecting with the right people for advice. Automobile dealerships are very lucrative but require a substantial amount of capital to start to make money.

  1. Trucking Car Business

If you are an experienced driver, start a car trucking business to transport people’s goods at a charge. With a trucking business, you need a truck to transport things to their destinations as agreed with the client.

At least you need to purchase one truck to start the business as you hire some when you get different trucking deals. Since you are going to transport goods, it would be ideal to possess a commercial driver’s license and other road requirements by law.

There are lots of opportunities in the trucking industry due to the rampant growth of manufacturing and wholesale business.

  1. Battery Repair and Reconditioning

If you have an idea about vehicles, you know that a battery is very important for its functioning. This is where the battery repair and reconditioning business comes into place.

Here you don’t need a lot of capital investment to start providing repair and maintenance services to customers. What are you waiting for to put up a battery repair and reconditioning shop?

  1. Automobile Reviewing

You have been in the automotive business for quite some time with a great understanding of the industry, right? Start making reviews about cars, scooters, and rides of different types to reach out to your audience for business.

This is where most clients start, they want to know about their dream rides before going to the showroom to make a purchase. Despite costs, clients want to know what is trending not to be left behind in automotive technology.

  1. Import and Export Car Spare Parts

Importing and exporting car spare parts from manufacturers is a very profitable car business. At this stage, you sell to retailers in your state and the same time export to other places with a market for the products.

The business requires quite a good amount of startup capital and documentation in clearing goods. To sustain the business, you need to provide quality car spare parts to retailers.

  1. Car Advertisements

Do you know you can make money advertising on your car? Sure, you reach an agreement with companies like Wrapify and Carvertise to put adverts on your car at a fee.

If you are fine with putting adverts on your car, sign up with companies willing to pay for the service to earn a passive income.

  1. Drive People

You might not think about driving people, right? But with some capital to invest into a fleet of cars, this is another great business to start after doing thorough research about the viability of the business.

Despite some of the huge startup costs, driving people is a great automotive business when you are strategically located. Employ experienced male and female drivers to have an edge in service delivery.

  1. Car Financing

A car

Not all people interested in making car purchases can afford to pay cash. This is where car financing becomes the deal for people to own cars at reasonable costs.

Start a car financing business to enable people to access vehicles cheaply without getting into high-interest car loans with banks and finance institutions.

However, if you want to stay in business long enough you must find the right people. Sure, here you are risking your resources to customers to make profits in the long run.

  1. Locksmith Automotive

Every day vehicle owners lose their car keys and hence look out for key cutters for replacements. If you have experience in locksmith automotive start a business to make money.

As a locksmith service provider, you can offer lock replacements, car diagnostics, security enhancements, and more. It’s one of those businesses that are cheap to start with very little capital.

  1. Oil Changing

Start offering engine oil replacement services in your area to car owners. Here, used oil is removed and the engine is filled with clean new oil to keep it in good condition.

If you were employed at a garage with some knowledge about oil changing you can put up a business to offer service to car owners. All vehicle owners understand the benefit of changing engine oil hence there is demand for the service.

  1. Car Interior Shop

Nowadays selling car interior items is among the fastest-growing businesses in the automotive industry. People want their cars to look nice inside and interesting for different reasons hence increasing demand for items.

Despite startup costs, a car interior shop is a great profitable business to start to make money. There are lots of car interior items to sell like steering wheel covers, carpets, seat covers, perfumes, and more.

If you are thinking about an automobile business, a car interior shop is the deal to start now.

  1. Headlight Repair and Restoration

If you are in the car business or you own one, headlights are very essential to the car. They improve visibility and safety hence helping out in nighttime driving.

However, to start this business you need to have experience in car electronics to be successful. Offering service in headlight repair and restoration is a very lucrative business for investment due to demand from an ever-increasing number of vehicles.

Car headlight repair and restoration business requires some capital to put up and it takes some time to get clients when you are just starting.

  1. Detailing Shop

Automobile business ideas to start - Exterior car detailing

This is also one of the fastest-growing car businesses to put up to make money immediately. What is most important here is understanding car washing and cleaning to improve the overall appearance of the vehicle to keep it in good condition.

Car detailing includes interior detailing, exterior detailing, complete detailing, and car restoration services. This will make the car look as good as new for the clients hence a great way to make money in the automotive business.

You don’t need a lot of capital to start a car detailing business when you have the skill, some clients are willing to pay labor and they buy themselves materials to use.

  1. Used Car Shop

There is high demand for used cars despite some challenges that come with them before thorough repair. Sure, some used cars come with a lot of issues hence they need to be worked on before selling them off to clients.

You need money to buy used cars and at the same time make repairs where necessary to provide quality to clients interested.

Build a network with car brokers to connect them to your business to bring you customers to buy improved second-hand vehicles. A used car shop is one other capita-intensive business I know and requires patience to make money.

  1. Automotive Windshield Repair

Another automobile business where you don’t need a lot of capital to start is windshield repair. You can start working from home offering service to clients doing mobile repairs.

As long as you can market the service to clients around your city or state, you are good to start up a business to earn an income.

  1. Automobile Glass Repairs

It doesn’t matter where the car owner lives, glasses on the car can at any time get damaged and would need repair. If you have skills in automotive glass repairs and replacement this is another cheap automotive business to start now.

Sometimes glass repairs would not work hence the best solution turns out to be replacement depending on the type of damage.

In the glass repairs and replacement business you can work with insurance companies or individuals without insurance policy covers for their cars. Insurance service providers will contract you to work on damaged cars for their clients.

  1. Garbage Collection Services

This automobile business idea may not come across your mind in the first place but it is very profitable. If you have a pickup truck or a van, consult the local authorities about garbage collection procedures before getting started to avoid any inconvenience.

Sometimes people get stuck with garbage when it is not collected in time by the authorities. Start a garbage collection business to offer timely services to clients to make money.

Requirements to start a garbage collection business? You need a pickup truck or van and authorization from local authorities where necessary.

Tips for Putting Up a Sustainable Automotive Business

Before putting a car business in place, it is important to understand the basic requirements for successfully setting it up to keep operating in the long run.

  • Reliability

When you start a car business whether driving or any other, clients won’t stand disappointments. You must be straight and execute as agreed at any they need you around when it comes to service delivery.

  • Flexibility

If you want to stay in the car business for long sometimes consider thinking outside the box in terms of work. You must present creativity and innovativeness to provide service at its best to clients.

  • Car Maintenance

If you are into driving and other transport-related businesses, your car should be kept in good condition to keep operating. Ensure the safety of your car by carrying out routine maintenance on car brakes, engine oil, tyres, and more.

  • Clean Driving Record

To acquire an automotive driving contract for business, you must have a clean driving record. Apps and other companies offer opportunities to people with a clean track record on the road to keep their businesses in good hands.

  • Insurance

Most people when they are just starting ignore insurance protection for their businesses. If you have a car accessories shop, a driver, or any other car business insurance should be one of the things to consider to keep the business safe against the unpredictable future.

  • Pay Taxes

By law, businesses are required to pay taxes to the authorities to keep operating without intervention. Some clients won’t give your business a chance when they realize that you don’t want to pay taxes to the government.

  • Competition

Know about your competitors and the services they provide to come into business with a competitive edge. Sure, all you want to do has been done but to attract clients your services must be quite different.

The End – Profitable Automobile Business Ideas to Start

Choosing a perfect automobile business to start can be quite challenging but hopefully, this thorough list can be of help.


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