38 Fun Things to Do On a No Spend Weekend

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A couple having fun with their children

Sometimes I incorporate a no spend weekend in my financials to cut budget costs and save more money every month. Depending on what you are going through and your future money plans dictate how to spend the weekend.

You would want to practice a fun no spend challenge over the weekend but when you don’t know where to start? There are many ways to do it over time no matter what you are going through.

When you are just starting it is hard to live a day without spending any money hence it requires commitment and some level of extreme frugality practices for results.

Despite bills, avoid shopping over the weekend, paid outings, and anything else that may cost you money during the no spend challenge on Saturdays and Sundays to save.

I don’t know about you but boredom during the weekend forces some people to spend unnecessarily. This list of fun things to do on a no spend weekend can be a game change in your money life from now.

Definition of a No Spend Weekend

A no spending weekend is a Saturday or Sunday weekend spent without spending money to save. During weekend days some people spend a lot of money but at the same time, these are the best days to save money when you are struggling to meet your future money saving goals.

Reasons for No Spend Weekends

There are different reasons as to why some people adopt the no spend weekend and without further ado, let’s get into the details.

  • Saves Money

When you get into the no spend weekend challenge you save a lot of money because almost everything should be free.

Despite weekday costs like transport and eating out, Saturdays and Sundays cost a lot to some people dining out, driving around happening places for fun and more hence looking out for free fun things to do will save your finances at hand and in the bank.

  • Reduce Financial Pressure

You will realize that when you decide to avoid spending during the weekend you don’t have any money pressure. Sure, some people end up in credit card debt when they run out of cash to spend during the weekend which stresses their financials.

  • Room for Free Fun Time

When you have money to spend you won’t realize that there is also a way to enjoy without spending any money. There is free fun time to enjoy out there if you want to save money for example taking a walk, reading a book, and checking out neighbors.

  • Financial Cautiousness

Learning about spending the weekend without any costs brings about financial discipline and other cost-cutting best practices.

Sure, this starts to come naturally incorporating some no spend weekend tips within the week to save money for example riding a bike to work to save transport costs and carrying your meals to avoid eating out.

A List of Fun Things to Do On a No Spend Weekend

Friends having fun playing guitar

People have reasons for deciding on a no spend fun weekend. However, let’s get into the list of free things people do for fun during the weekend.

  1. Hiking

Driving is costly when you want to move to fun places whereas when it comes to hiking you don’t have to spend any money. This can be a great way to have fun during the weekend by visiting nearby fun places with your buddies.

All you need is a bottle of water and your safety boots to go to places you wish to visit in the countryside. It can be life-changing and financially healthy since it saves money.

  1. Go To the Library

If you like reading, spending time at the library is such a great way to go through the weekend for free. In the library, there are lots of books to read and DVDs to watch to spend time throughout the weekend.

Libraries offer a lot of free things for children and adults to have fun over the weekend like concerts, movie nights, lectures, and more.

It is a no spend weekend, right? Check out the library whether there are interesting things for fun to spend time.

  1. Listen To Podcasts

I don’t know about you but listening to podcasts over the weekend has changed my life a lot. Yes, most times when I don’t hang out I rather listen to motivational life-changing podcasts.

You can get access to interesting podcasts on iTunes and YouTube for free. No matter what you are interested in, there are podcasts on anything you want to hear.

I like listening to the Forex Beginner podcast about Forex trading by Calvin and the Humbled Trader about stock trading by Shay. I have learned a lot of things about trading that some new traders don’t know about for free.

  1. Attend Community Events

Around your city, there are community events you can participate in for free over the weekend to avoid spending out on paid fun time for example clean-up events, community field day, open mic weekend, donation drive, and more.

Always make use of the local calendar to look out for free community events that won’t cost you any money on Saturday and Sunday. Engaging with community members helps you to meet new people while having free fun time with them and at the same time learning new things in the process.

  1. Landscaping

How about spending the weekend mowing the lawn and clearing the compound to have it nice looking? Some people don’t get time during the week to work on their compounds hence hire someone to do the work.

When you get free time on a no spend Saturday and Sunday, instead of paying people to work on your compound you can do work yourself to avoid the cost. Trust me you won’t feel any bored during the weekend since there is work to keep you busy.

What if you are not familiar with landscaping, right? That is not something to worry about when there are platforms like YouTube and TikTok where you can learn almost everything you want.

  1. Go For a Picnic

Traditionally, a day out together would mean stretching your wallets to have a fun time during the weekend with your family or friends.

However, it is a different story when it comes to a no spend weekend picnic because you can decide not to spend any money at all by carrying your homemade snacks and drinks to the local park to have fun together.

  1. Game Night

It is a no spend weekend, right? Inviting your family members and friends to your place for a free game night will save you a lot from going out for paid entertainment.

You can decide to play some competitive games at your place for free to take you through the weekend to avoid spending money out for example playing cards, video games, chess, draft, and luddo.

  1. Go Swimming

Do you have a membership at the nearby swimming pool? If yes, then since it is a no spend weekend you can carry some snacks to spend some time there and meet new people.

Guess what? You are meeting new people and at the same time exercising to keep healthy.

I don’t know about you but swimming is one of the first things that come across my mind every weekend when am bored. You can learn how to swim no matter your age to incorporate it into activities to do for fun or when bored.

  1. Digital Scavenger Hunt

Another great way to spend the weekend for free is by taking pictures of interesting places around your state like Hills, valleys, markets, buildings, and more. You don’t have to be good at photo shooting to start a digital scavenging hunt routine on weekends.

Connect with some community members interested in a digital scavenger hunt for the most fun using your phone or camera.

  1. Side Hustle

Working a side hustle

What about if you can get paid doing something you love like answering surveys and reading books online for fun during the weekend? It sounds too good to be true but people get free money working out surveys online and reading books without any investment apart from time.

Weekends are great days to attend paid online surveys without any interference from your day job. It can be a fun productive day to make money while others are out there spending.

Besides being a no spend weekend, you also need that extra income to come in when you are not working your 9 to 5 job.

  1. Visit the Park

Not only do you have to kill boredom by spending money out, but also parks are money saving places to hang out with buddies carrying your snacks straight from home.

You can bench with buddies at a local basketball court, community garden, football ground, and more. There are lots of free things happening in these places and you won’t get bored at all.

At parks, we get to meet new people and at the same time learn some new things without putting in any money.

  1. Weekend Bonfire

Have you ever tried sitting around the fire for hours with friends and family members? This is where storytelling and exchanging ideas can be at heights over the weekend.

You have some funny storytelling buddies, right? Invite them for a weekend night bonfire rather than moving out to bars to spend.

Yes, just prepare some wood to use for hours you might spend enjoying the day with others interested. Since it is a no spend weekend you won’t have to buy anything out, you will have to use what is available to save throughout.

  1. Window Shopping

We don’t have to spend money whenever we go to the shop. Sometimes you can decide to go window shopping when you don’t have any money but rather look at what is on sale.

On a no spend weekend walk around shopping malls, boutiques, and markets to look at what is available for fun. If you are planning to buy something soon window shopping is a great way to compare prices and where to buy.

You can spend time over the weekend moving around shopping centers and markets until you find what is interesting and affordable for future purchases.

  1. Go Camping

Whether you decide to camp at the nearby gardens or park and even from home depends on what works out best for you at that moment. Get yourselves a tent and light some fire for shelter and warmth respectively.

Make your meals or snacks with some drinks to avoid costs when it is a no spend weekend. That time together with your family members or friends is such a memorable time that comes at no cost.

Fun things to do during the no spend weekend, right? Camping can be put on the priority list of options to consider.

  1. Make a Parents Visit

Checking out mom, dad and other family heads is one other way I make my weekend fan for little to no cost at all. Parents don’t care whether you have done shopping for them or not, they just need your presence.

On some no spend weekends, you can decide to spend time with your parents to have lunch and supper with them no matter your financial status.

It is such an exciting memorable moment sitting with your parents to have some coffee or dine together on a fan weekend at your home.

  1. Watch Your Favorite Movie Series

Since we plan weekends, let that favorite movie series occupy you for the weekend. You won’t think about going to the bar or any other place that will cost you money chilling.

Honestly, not all of us are good at watching movies but you can learn to spend time on screen. I know that sometimes I sleep while watching a movie but what I do is first take some sleep to prepare myself for screen time.

Spend the weekend watching movies? Yes, I do it when I land on that eye-catching movie of all time like Shaw Shank Redemption and Prison Break.

  1. Go To the Museum

There are days on some weekends when you don’t have to pay any money to access the museum. You can take advantage to avoid costs during the no-spend weekend.

Despite free entrance, you will learn about some things you didn’t know about but kept in the museum. You can go along with family members or friends to have that time together over the weekend after having lunch from home.

With some people going to the museum may not cross their minds in the first place for a fun weekend but it is one of the most exciting places for children to visit since most things are new to their eyes.

  1. Star Gazing

Keeping outside watching stars on a weekend as a fun time? Yes, it is such a great moment to spend time with your children and spouse admiring the stars.

Sometimes your kids and spouse will miss you for just doing that when you are out on a business trip. Staring at the stars comes without any financial costs and is very memorable.

Make it more fun by browsing the internet about what is up in the sky to lecture kids, your little ones will call you Mr/Mrs intelligent. How cool is that?

  1. Meal Prep

What if you decide to make that weekly meal during the weekend to save money eating out in restaurants? Sure, you already stored groceries and some ingredients in the pantry you can make meals without spending any money for the weekend.

Doing this throughout the year will save you a good amount of money for example at least $5 for lunch in a day eating out in a restaurant saves up to $25 for a week.

Sometimes we prepare sauce for 5 days to save time cooking when we predict a busy week.

  1. Make Art

Doing Art on paper

You like making Artwork right? Weekends are good days for one to concentrate and create your Artwork with all your heart.

There is no way you are going to spend money when you are busy doing some painting, drawing, and designing your home. Not everyone is good at painting and drawing but at least you can do something similar like framing photos.

  1. Learn a Skill

Not only do you have to go to a university or technical institute to learn a skill. I learned about blogging and online trading on YouTube.

Weekends are great for learning some new skills because you have a lot of free time. Instead of going out with friends to spend use that time to learn a skill online at no cost to you at all.

There are many skills to learn online freely for example weaving, cooking, playing guitar and more using that weekend time.

  1. Handy Work

Do you know that you spend a lot of money paying handymen when you can sometimes do the work yourself? Things like fixing the toilet seat cover, door lock, shower, leakages, and more can be done by you during the weekend.

This means you will save money spent on handymen and you have no time to go hang out when you are busy making repairs.

  1. Attend Free Concerts

Another fun thing to do on a no-spend weekend is attending free concerts in your state. Every Saturday and Sunday there are free local bands you can attend at no cost to you at all.

On a no spend weekend, you can still enjoy to kill boredom without putting in any money. Carry your snacks and a few drinks from home to spend time with friends watching local musicians live.

  1. Visit Neighbors

Have you ever taken the time to know your neighbors? If not, you can spend time with neighbors to know yourselves.

Move around or organize an open house to invite neighbors you get to know each other. When it is a planned no spend weekend the meals and drinks prepared must have been catered for before the weekend.

Some people spend years in the same area but when they don’t know each other on a personal level, they only meet when problems arise. Don’t wait for bad times to come to meet, make use of the weekend for meet-ups or visit neighbors for fun.

  1. Exercise from Home

Working out from home is a great way to save money on a weekend. Any kind of physical exercise can be done in your compound or living room to cut fitness costs at the gym and paid dance classes.

Learn about free home fitness tips from platforms like YouTube to skip paid physical fitness lessons on a weekend to save. You don’t need to spend any money on instructors, it is just you and the free YouTube online resources.

Wondering where to start, right? Just search about free home fitness video lessons and you are good to go.

  1. Organize the House

Do you know that you can spend the whole day organizing your house without moving over the weekend? If you are that person with busy weekdays, Saturday and Sunday can be used to put things right like furniture, dining, living room, bathroom, and more.

I don’t need to pay any money to someone to come and organize the house for me when I am around on a no spend weekend. You don’t have to do everything in a single weekend take your time.

Organizing the house over the weekend is quite tiresome and at the same time a fun thing to keep you away from spending practices.

  1. Take Photos

There are lots of interesting things to look at during the weekend but where it is not enough take photos to keep memories in your gallery. Use your phone or a digital camera to take nice photos which can even be uploaded on paid sites like Canva to make money.

Weekends are quite tricky to manage but when you are creative enough you won’t get bored at all. Sure, imagine after taking nice shots then start uploading them on paid sites for a passive income.

  1. Youtube

Whether it is watching your favorite podcast or making a YouTube video all just fun and free to start online. If you have a skill you can make video clips about it during the weekend for people interested to consume the content.

Starting a Youtube side hustle as a way to responsibly spend time over the weekend can be life-changing no matter your area of expertise. Sure, some people are ready to appreciate your effort as you make money online.

Start up a YouTube channel and grow it every weekend by making quality video content for your audience.

  1. Play Soccer

Honestly, I am not a soccer fan, but when I get to the pitch or a tuff, I get caught up and spend hours there enjoying the moment. Whether you like soccer or not try playing it just 2-3 times on a weekend you won’t step back.

Besides going to the tuff to play at a cost, there are also some public playgrounds where you don’t have to put in any money to play as a team.

Playing soccer will help you to exercise to keep healthy and the same time have fun during the weekend at no cost to you at all.

  1. Networking

Chatting online

Think about it when you decide to spend the weekend contacting people within your area of interest for friendship. This can be done through email, WhatsApp, and phone calls for lengthy conversations.

Some people get to check their emails and WhatsApp messages on a weekend hence it would be a good idea to contact them while they are online for immediate feedback.

Finding new friends over the weekend whether online or physical meets ups is an interesting thing to do over the weekend for free. Instead of going to the theater reach out to your favorite online influencer for a chat.

  1. Invite Friends for a Movie Festival

Let your buddies come over with their favorite movies you watch them one at a go throughout the weekend with some simple drinks and snacks, and save that money you would spend at the cinema center.

It is such a memorable moment sitting together as you jazz each other enjoying movies at no cost.

  1. Go To the Zoo

If you have not yet planned to go to the zoo over the weekend you better start because it is fun. Don’t leave the children at home take them over to get stories to tell in life.

You don’t want to spend on entry fees, right? Mark your calendar there are also weekend days when you don’t have to pay money to walk around the zoo.

  1. Make Some Snacks

Besides cooking food, you can make snacks for a week too. Sometimes when we come back tired and without the guts to make food snacks are always an option.

If you are just getting started, learn about the best snack recipes online to begin making them home over the weekend. Let it be a routine that on some no spend Saturdays and Sundays you get time to prepare your favorite snacks for a week.

  1. Start a Blog

Make the most out of the no spend weekend by starting up a blog on something you are passionate about. If you like cooking start a blog about meal planning, cooking recipes, and preparing different kinds of food.

You don’t have to be good at writing to start using WordPress to reach out to your audience. Get a domain name and hosting service provider like BlueHost to set your content up.

I was passionate about starting a blog but I didn’t know how to string sentences. Spend the free weekends making meaningful sentences about a topic of your choice until you get perfect.

  1. Revise the Budget

Most people don’t take time to look through the budget before the month ends but like said time is money. When you don’t take time to revise your financials it may cost you money.

Revising the budget weekly will help to identify items that are costing you money during the month for nothing and when all such items are cut out it will save you a lot.

When you revise the budget every weekend and some items are cut out it will have a significant impact on your financials in the long run.

  1. Journaling

Another fun thing to do on a weekend for free is writing down life experiences in that journal. This is something that most people don’t give time to but is very workable no matter your schedule.

It helps you keep track of everything that you are going through for accountability purposes. You can journal about finances, relationships, life events, and several other things that matter in your life.

Despite journaling being a great way to keep a record of yourself, documenting what you are going through is not a common practice in people’s lives. On a no spend weekend get that diary and a pen to write about what you went through during the week to keep a record accordingly.

  1. Garage Sale

If your store is full of things that you no longer want and you don’t expect to use them in the future put up a yard sale to make money. Things to bring out for sale include electronic appliances, clothes, bedding, shoes, toys, and more.

Trust me you won’t think about going for an outing to spend when you are making sales from things you wanted to give out for free. The best part is that unwanted clutter is removed from the house and at the same time gives you an extra income.

  1. Take a Nap

Resting on a weekend

Do you take enough time to rest your mind and body before the weekends? If not, then no spend Saturdays and Sundays are great for taking a nap.

Sleep for some hours on the weekend to relax the mind and body, you don’t have to sleep the whole day.


  • What Is The Best Way To Have Fun On A No Spend Weekend?

It all depends on what you are going through in life at the moment for example when you are struggling financially revising your budget and anything about correcting finances is ideal on a no spend weekend.

  • Can I Make Money At No Cost On A No Spend?

Sure, one of the best ways to make money without putting in any money on a no spend is starting a garage sale.

  • Do I Need To Do Everything To Come Up With A Perfect No Spend Weekend?

Of course not, only consider what fits into your situation at the moment to make a perfect weekend with zero costs.


Free fun things to do on a no spend weekend is an endless list that we shall keep updating for the best results. Hope you got the most out of the list and we appreciate the time taken to look through to get your match.

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