Left Hand Palm Itching, Is It a Good Omen? What You Need to Know

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Last updated on June 27th, 2023 at 03:29 pm


picture of the left hand

Though in most communities left hand palm itching might be interpreted differently still it’s meant to describe everyday things in life. This is so because in order to have control over outcomes that are out of hands there must be an explanation informally.

Superstitions are all around the world across different cultures though nowadays some people neglect them. And this doesn’t mean that they are completely losing meaning since there’re people who still believe in them despite globalization.

Most people think that in developed countries like the united states superstition are least considered but it’s not true.

When you talk about more than half of the population in the United States believing in superstitions depending on the survey that was done by ResearchForFood in 2019 it’s really a big number.

Surprisingly still more to say only a quatre of the population thinks this doesn’t work at all despite the number being smaller compared to more than 50% that believe in superstitions according to the survey.

How Did the Itchy Palm Superstitions Come About?

Left hand itchy palm and other itchy hand superstitions have been around for quite some time across different cultures. And they’re interpreted differently depending on the culture from which they originate.

Shakun Shastra also known as the astrology of omens that has roots in Vedic scriptures gives a broader picture of the Hindu culture about the itchy hands in relation to luck. Talking about Vedic scriptures, think of those books consecrated in Hinduism of which the earliest is probably dated back to 1700 BCE.

Since way back the itchy palms superstitions in Hinduism are connected to the goddess of wealth and fertility. Therefore, when the grace of goddess Lakshmi is leaving you then you’re most likely to spend or lose money which it’s reflected by the itchy left hand.

The itchy left hand as a sign of spending or losing money applies to males whereas in females it’s an indication of good luck coming your way.

There’re also some bible verses that are connected to superstition when it comes to luck hence people making it a point of reference. Ecclesiastes 10:2 “a wise man’s heart is at his right hand, but a fool’s heart at his left”.

According to this biblical saying, that’s why the left hand is linked to the omen of misfortune. Another biblical reading in the book of Isiah says “for I am the Lord your God who takes hold of your right-hand says to you don’t fear, I will help you”.

The biblical reading tells why some cultures consider the itchy right palm a sign of good fortune coming your way.

Asking What It Means When Left or Right-Hand Palms Are Itching, right?

Left-Hand Palm Itching

If in your culture the left hand itching palm is not something to talk about then this isn’t for you. But there’re cultures that really interpret the experience as either a sign of good luck to make money or the other way around.

And in case you’re good at reading books just grab yourself Superstition and Education by Fletcher Bascom. The book contains a detailed understanding of why it’s a sign of money as perceived by most cultures including mine.

Many different parts of the world have the same understanding of this superstition as an indication that you may get money any time soon. In some places around the world, you have to put in the work say gambling in Serbia is a sign of good luck yet in Bulgaria it’s the opposite.

Based on gender in Hinduism, with women, it’s a sign of good luck in relation to money and it’s the opposite with men. Furthermore, in some cultures for the left itchy palm superstition to be enhanced a different person must scratch your left with his or her right palm.

Because superstition is interpreted differently across cultures with less information to back it up then it’s not something to rely on.

Right-Hand Palm Itching

picture of the right hand

Here, the right itchy palm condition is the opposite in that it’s a bad omen or you’re most likely to spend as interpreted in most cultures. Spending might come up unexpectedly, which you could have no control over. Take an example where an accident occurs when the costs are on you.

Most people prove that the incident may happen in the shortest time after the itchy palm condition has happened.

The right hand is the giving hand, hope you’re among the many that use it for giving. And we always want to receive before giving, don’t quote me on this one though it might be a little complicated.

Whether you’re spending money for a good or bad event, it’s money moving out say time to buy shares of stock or clearing a loan. Despite the fact that right-hand palm itchy superstitions are interpreted differently across cultures, people up to now still consider it relevant in day-to-day life.

For you what’s the experience like when your right-hand palm is itching in relation to your culture when it comes to money issues?

Natural Causes of Itchy Hand Palms You Need to Know Now According to Medical Research

Even though almost half of the population in developed countries like the United States believe in this superstition that’s not all. The research that was done by ResearchForFood gives an informed picture although not conclusive as times keep changing.

But medical research has also changed people’s minds about the experience hence underestimating its relevancy compared to way back. According to medically trusted sources, itchy conditions can result from skin-related problems and of which the palms are part of the skin.

Some of the most commonly known reactions that result in skin itching include; eczema, swimmer’s itch, psoriasis, nerve disorder, and others. Skin-related problems in most cases don’t come to stay when you do things correctly as advised by experts.

Such conditions can be worked on using moisturizers, gentle cleansers, bathing lukewarm, and others as directed. But when the condition goes on for a while then you must seek proper medical attention before things get to the worst.

And this means after doing the necessary the condition hinders you from performing your day-to-day activities for over a fortnight. You might also end up getting other unhealthy conditions like fever and skin rashes.

Hand Palms Itching in Both Men and Women, What Is the Difference?

The left palm itchy superstition in Hindi, it’s a sign that you’re most likely to spend money on an unprepared-for incident. And this applies to only men according to their culture not as it is with most other places around the world.

Though, in most other cultures it doesn’t matter whether you’re a male or a female. Also, when it gets to women in Hindi the right-hand itching indicates that you may get money anytime soon.

This implies that if a female feels an itchy left-hand palm, she’s going to lose money in one way or the other. Hindi culture is among the few cultures that consider left-hand itching associated with bad luck and right-hand itching good luck.

The Spiritual Meaning of Left and Right Palm Itching

picture of left and right hand palm

Itchy palm superstitions go way beyond traditional sayings to a religious outlook in the bible. There’s a bible verse that says that when you give to those in need the left hand shouldn’t know what the right hand is doing.

Asking which bible verse, right? NIV (Mathew 6:3) This is clearly shown that when you’re giving you use the right hand and receive using the left hand.

Some other verses tell the opposite which also gives meaning to other cultures that believe differently say Hindi. If you’re among the many that use the right hand to either receive or give money in kind then it’s serving both purposes.

The left-hand palm itching would then mean spending money on unproductive incidents. Indians believe that in case your left-hand palm itches then goddess Lakshmi of good fortune is living you.

Females have a different touch when it comes to itchy palms in Hindu as well as males which really identifies it from other cultures.

Do You Really Get Money When You Get The Left-Hand Palm Itching?

Though in most cultures it’s believed that when the left-hand palm itches it’s a sign that money is coming your way, it’s not always the case. It might be in other wards an indication that you could get some good news or get a gift from someone.

Generally, it’s a sign of luck in that something good is likely to happen to you anytime unexpectedly. However, higher institutions of learning like the University of California publications put more emphasis on money when it comes to itchy palms.

The university clarifies that in order for money to come your way, you must have worked for it in one way or the other for results. But you also need to fold your hand and then put it in any of your pockets to keep the luck such that you can have the assurance to get money.

Itchy Superstitions Related to Other Body Parts

It’s not only about the left- or right-hand palms, there’re other body parts that itch, and here are some superstitions related to them.

  • Thumb

An itchy thumb is also connected to getting money as is the case with the left palm in most cultures. But it’s also interpreted in some cultures as a forbidding indication of evil happening to you.

  •  Left Eyebrow

picture of eyebrows

The left eyebrow itching is connected to getting in contact with someone evil. And the right eyebrow means that you’re most likely to meet somebody nice with good intentions.

Though, when both eyebrows are itching it’s really a good sign generally.

  • The eyes

When the right eye itches it reflects good luck whereas when the left eye itches it’s a sign of bad luck. Therefore, if any of your eyes are itchy then you can tell what’s most likely to happen depending on what you’re going through.

  • Forehead

Sometimes when the forehead is itching it might be a sign of good luck coming your way. But on the other side, it could be a sign of sickness which is likely to happen to you any time soon.

  • The Chin

If there’re life changes that are to take place in your life in the near future an itchy chin is a sign.

  • The Feet

picture for feet

An itching foot in most cultures it’s a sign that you may go on a long journey in time to come. And if you love traveling then I guess most people are happy when this happens like I myself.

Despite other few cultures but it doesn’t matter which foot is itching in order to mean traveling far soon.

Here’s Quite a Number of Some Lucky Itchy Hands in Relation to Left Hand Itching

The first winner of Britain’s EuroMillions jackpot Marion Richardson in 2004 narrated that before, she experienced an itchy right thumb during the day. She then thought about the itchy superstition just after but was relating it to her knitting work causing it in the first place.

The 57-year-old Richardson won Euro 25.5m in the EuroMillions jackpot in April 2004. Another case of the lucky itchy hand is that of Mary shammas which happened in the year 2010.

Before buying the lottery ticket she felt an itchy left palm three times and as she was traveling, on getting off the bus bought a lottery ticket. The 73-year-old had never won anything yet but out of surprise, she did after buying the ticket.

It made her also think of the itchy left palm superstition since it happened around the same period of time. Mary Shammas from Brooklyn NYC won $64m in the jackpot which totally changed her life hence thought about the itchy left palm superstition.

It’s not only about the itchy left-hand superstition but there’re also scenarios where both hands may itch and it’s a sign of money coming your way.

The incident of both hands itching took place in Canada with Mary Wernicke in August 2016. She won a $60m LottoMax when both hands were itchy in the first place thus becoming a millionaire.

A List of More Money Superstitions That You Would Like to Know About.

The itchy left and right palm in relation to money is really something to talk about across cultures. However, there’re several other superstitions that relate to finances linked to daily practices too as detailed.

  • Bird Poop

I guess you’ve heard people saying that when a bird poops on somebody it’s a sign of good fortune hence most likely to get money anytime soon.

For sure I can’t also really tell what this superstition is about yet it’s even difficult to happen. If you’ve ever experienced it then you must be lucky and you can tell whether this works.

  • Purse On the Floor

Putting the bag on the floor is an indication of bad luck hence you may lose your money when this appears to you. And I think this was intended to avoid germs getting on the bag by not putting it in dirty places.

The best part is when a bag contains money, it means that you don’t value money, which is a bad sign to the universe.

  • Penny On the Floor

When you come across any coin on the floor where the face is up just pick it up and put it in the pocket it brings good luck. Also, just in case you come across a coin with tails up in order to get good luck what you have to do is instantly give it away.

  • Money Attracts Money

Never empty your pockets or bank account because money attracts money. This Greek money superstition emphasizes that it’s not good to use up all your money.

  • Night Bread

This is a Greek superstition that says that when you give a person bread at night it’s a sign of misfortune. And then you may lose all your fortune hence poverty coming your way any time soon.

However, the misfortune can be prevented by pinching a loaf at its edge after you give half of it to that person.

  • Whistling In the House

In Russia, it’s believed when one whistles in the house it may bring about bad luck. This is in connection with getting broke hence losing all your money unexpectedly.

  • Laundry On New Year’s Day

When you do laundry or sweep on lunar new year you’re washing or sweeping away good luck and wealth. But in order to do the sweeping or laundry the right way you must do it in an outside-in motion for money to come your way.

  • Shooting Star

I have heard about shooting stars since my childhood and that you can make any wish immediately when you see them. And in Russian culture, it’s believed that as soon as you see a shooting star, then you say the word money wealth will come your way.

  • Putting On Jade Rings

When you wear jade rings on the middle finger or little finger it brings luck according to feng shui. Therefore, when you’re a man the rings have to be put on the left whereas for women it’s on the right hand.


How Much Money Can Someone Get When His or Her Palms Itch?

You can’t tell what may happen whether your left or right hand is itching. But there are people who land into millions of dollars or even less than that depending on what comes their way.

Sometimes money may not come your way as straight hard cash but there might be luck in whatever you do which will bring money in the future. I don’t know about you but superstitions are meant to instill discipline in us in our daily practices for the best.

How Long Should the Itching Palms Last?

Some people think that in order for the superstition to make meaning when the palms itch it has a time period. Or maybe in some cultures but according to what’s on the ground most cultures believe it doesn’t matter.

The End

Whether your left or right hand is itching and you expect luck you must ensure that you put in the work for the best because, in reality, luck fares a prepared person. Even the people that won the jackpots had to go buy the lottery and also they had other things on the side to earn an income.

There’s no free lunch in this world but you must do something that gives you an edge over others which most people call luck. And when the itch continues for quite some time then you also need to consult a medical practitioner it might not be about superstitions but health.








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