How To Live Rich on A Budget : 14 Practical Ways to Achieve It

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Last updated on April 25th, 2023 at 08:47 am


picture of a lady chilling at the beach - live rich on a budget

If you have the skills of how to live rich on a budget it doesn’t mean that you can’t spend as others do. We all come from different backgrounds with unsimilar thoughts about living rich or poor

You might have gone days and nights without a single penny and now you know what exactly it is to be poor. Someone who has gone through such hard times understands spending differently than the opposite.

What you went through in the past could have been not easy but when your eyes open it’s never too late to act right.

Yes, it hurts to see you live life without any positive change over time but what you have to know is that it’s not the end there will always be a way out.

Your credit card is negative, right? He has a bank loan, she has a student loan, they’re failing to pay off their mortgage, she can’t do any savings and they don’t have any investment yet been employed for over 30yrs.

I haven’t made it to the top and I believe am not living poor since paying bills is no longer an issue since way back but things changed.

Currently, I don’t have any bank loan and I can’t say it’s bad to have it unless you’re not good at planning the payout.

When you can avail yourself of the basic needs of life, it’s one of the best things to achieve, and you never wish to turn back.

This means that you at least can afford to work on some of your financial needs without fail as you keep pushing for the best the right way.

My fairly healthy financial behaviors that involve living rich on a budget have made me purely and strongly accept my financial moves. And, I believe on a higher end am certain about my plans if all goes well with good practice over time.

It feels good to believe in yourself and your actions, you don’t have to be right to feel good and you can also feel good even when you’re wrong.

Spending $2000 for a night in a nightclub is a mistake you made in the past and now you learned something from that I know. It makes me feel good when I learn from the mistakes I make today. How about you?

Today I don’t think you have to use that much to spend a night out alone or with friends yet you can also enjoy for a few dollars.

And by spending within means, you always know that you have enough with you to cater for yourself without stressing financially. I mean I don’t have to be rich to live the life I want since I can do it all on a budget and still get the best.

Therefore, it’s up to you to wait for the time you’ll get millions and then live rich but in my view, with the little I have I can still live rich I can’t wait.

Let me say you’ll get rich soon because it’s what you want to hear though chances are very high that you might not get the millions you want – don’t quote me here, right? How you manage your time and money will determine whether you’re living rich or not.

With best practice, you have to be in control of any emergencies that bump your way in life. Am not rich and am not poor but am satisfied with how I live life.

The fact is am living a rich man’s life but practicing the tip for living on a budget, to be clearer let’s jump into how it’s all done.

How To Live Rich on Budget with Best Practice

The very things that the rich do out there, I am also practicing them or you can also do them like how to live on a budget. But the difference is in embracing the budget life that’s it.

But to get rich you must do what the rich do and this can be effectively achieved when you work things out on a little budget.

  1. Let The Bills Get Paid

picture of a credit card - - live rich on a budget

You can never live-in peace when your bills are not paid, and that’s why you have to make sure that you clear them first living on a budget.

I don’t think at any one time you can enjoy your bed when your rent is overdue yet you spent $2000 yesterday in a nightclub. First things first before you Netflix or take a night out, it’s the only way you can live rich on a budget.

The truth is that I spend on a daily but on a small budget. I, therefore, tell my money where to go instead of asking where it went.

I don’t keep the rent on me, I clear the utility bills immediately when I get paid, the groceries get worked on in time, and the other things on a budget are basic.

Many are failing just because they can’t embrace a budget kind of life and think they will only live rich when they make millions.

It’s fine if that’s how you think but when will that happen? note that many are earning big, till now they’re failing to live rich.

You might be earning very little just in case but when you prioritize the basic needs and cover them in time it’s a plus compared to, he who earns big living large but struggling with the bills.

  1. Get A Savings Account

Prefer living an easy life with small money to be able to save, you’re not good at saving or you don’t have a savings account but you still think you’re planning for the future?

Is it confusing? This is what I mean, it makes more meaning to run a savings account while at the same time, you plan your future investment. And I don’t mean you don’t plan because when you get a saving account it’s also through planning.

If you’re planning for a future investment you don’t have to get thousands of dollars at once and you don’t have to keep on talking about it without action. Get a savings account and make it grow with a monthly take away from your main account.

It will affect your budget now no doubt but sit down look through the budget and pull the things that take away your money yet are not that important. This money can also be channeled to your savings account to make it grow. And it sounds cool not so?

You can decide to save daily, weekly, or even monthly depending on your earnings. If you’re good at online shopping your cashback money can also add on to your savings account.

  1. Renting

picture of lady in a posh car - live rich on a budget

Everyone would prefer having his or her property that’s a fact, to be honest like a house, a posh car, and other trendy items.

But if you’re living on a budget, it’s somehow tricky and costly to access all you wish to have with the little you earn.

You don’t have to blow your account just because you want to get an expensive item that you can even cheaply rent or hire.

I live in an affordable rented house with all I want, but if I was to decide to buy one it would cost me a lot yet am not yet ready to get into that. When I want to drive a very nice car over the weekend it’s still the same case, I don’t have to buy a car.

There’re many sites which you can go to and cheaply rent anything you want than purchasing one yet you’re on a low budget.

You can have yourself in a very nice car over the weekend, designer clothes and shoes and other trendy items, and still, live rich but within your means.

Not that you can’t purchase the items to be yours but budget wise saves you from unhealthy financial conditions like credit card debts.

Hope you heard about the lendingluxury platform where you pay just a small amount for what you intend to rent instead of purchasing. I find this healthy to me financially even today and that’s how I manage to live rich while on a budget.

  1. Respect Your Budget

Another living on the budget tip, right? A budget isn’t just a sketch, I know that’s how most people wrongly define it but to me, it’s something I value most when it gets to money. I make a budget according to my needs and then respect my decisions made as per the budget, that’s me.

It’s how I manage to meet my goals either short- or long-term goals with consistency from day one till the last minute.

Gone are the days of impulsive spending and am conservatively enjoying a frugal lifestyle living on a budget to save money. I learned that with money you could easily get to where you’re going and that is when you put it to good use.

Most people that are financially independent emphasize that people have to improvise means in which money can work for them if they’re to achieve their goals. But many do the opposite with poor financial practices which makes it hard to break through financially.

I love money, I respect money, and I value money and that’s why even though am on a budget I can still live largely. I don’t know what you think about your budget but mine is fine and am happy with what I can do with it.

  1. Work On Your Student Loan with Lendkey

If at all your student loan repayment plan is stressing here are the green lights with lendkey.

Some people take years to clear their student loans which results in interest rate accumulations and poor credit scores which is unhealthy financially.

Lendkey has one of the best offers when it gets student loans, you can try it out. Interest rates make it hard to do away with a student loan fast that’s the truth.

But lend key makes it simple through refinancing and consolidating the loan into one that is controllable with a very low-interest rate.

This will very much lower the loan payment period and at the same time lower your loan. Wanting to know how this all goes?

You have to fill in an online form such that you can get your rate. To get the loan lendkey gives the best rates to enable you to pick out one that works for you.

You then get your documents ready for uploading and after doing this you’ll get through the verification process then still get notified via email.

You’ll therefore get into an agreement using e-sign with DocuSign

With this immediately your loans will get worked on with lendkey. You can try out lendkey if you’re living on a budget and you want things done fast.

  1. Get A Membership Card

picture a man working out at the gym - live rich on a budget

Another take on how to live on a small budget, this is not at all expensive when you frequently visit the gym or any other sport that you enjoy.

Instead of making daily payments, you should make a one-off monthly payment since it saves more compared to paying daily.

That’s why most people say that parting with money every day isn’t good practice and I also believe it’s true. Note that to get a membership you have to make sure it’s worth getting it.

  1. Buy Quality Used Items

Used items are those old things that you can buy cheaply without using much money but putting into consideration their quality. it’s also one of the best ways to live as if you’re poor to save money in your budget.

The easiest example would be a car. If you’re living on a budget, it would be wise you buy an old car in good mechanical condition than get a brand-new one that will cost you a lot.

And what’s funny with cars is that they’re subjected to depreciation every year and when you think of buying a new one most of the time it’s not a good idea.

Imagine you bought a posh car last year and yet by now it has depreciated by 30% of its value as experts say. You then guess how much you could lose every year with just a car with that amount. Buying used is not being too conservative as you think but it saves whenever you’re on a budget.

Things like furniture are pretty expensive to get when new and quality but you can also get them cheap and quality though used which a saves

You’re driving a nice car; you have good furniture and other things all gotten inexpensively on budget. And who cares whether they’re used it’s just how you think but the fact is you’re living rich.

  1. Avoid Convenience

Foregoing convenience is about understanding how to live on a tight budget, Some people spend a lot of money on things they can do themselves.

There’s no reason why you should buy water every day at the gym yet you can carry yours in a water bottle.

Spending a dollar on the water three times a week at the gym totals up to $156 a year. It looks little but it can be diverted to something else. And again, when it comes to meals you can also prepare your own instead of buying junk foods.

Check out the $5 meal plan and hello fresh if you have issues with organizing meals, they can also help you out with planning meals.

If it means living like no one else today to live like no one else tomorrow then avoid convenience, and it’s among the best ways to live life to the fullest with less money.

  1. Traveling Around Home

When do you take time to move around your hometown to see new things? You can as well tour your home towns and still enjoy when you’re on a budget.

Therefore, though you’re on a tight budget you can afford to live rich while visiting all the beautiful places that you might have taken long without checking or even the new ones.

Still, within your home town, there’re lots of services available just in case you want to step up somehow. You can access the best price-friendly accommodations using hotwire website and you can live like a boss.

Check on various places that you have never visited like art galleries, traditional sites, games and sports centers, and more that you wish to see.

All this saves you a lot of money than stressing your budget with very expensive vacations yet you can enjoy them from within.

  1. Shopping Off Season

This is the best time to buy things when they’re cheap and affordable. When you buy in times when everyone is shopping the prices are high and the things are damn expensive.

However, this depends on the type of things you want. I usually buy scholastic materials before school times nears since during this time things are not expensive

When you buy during school time most things are very expensive just because of the high demand within that period.

  1. Open Up to Your Friends Concerning Your Targets

picture a guy taking to his friends - - live rich on a budget

More tips for living on a tight budget, right? Sometimes we don’t want to unveil our goals to friends for different reasons and it affects our relationships.

These are the people we hang out with when we want to chill out for some time.

You need sometimes to be open to them when it comes to your financial goals, especially where somehow your relationship could be affected.

Let them know what’s going on in your life and what you’re up to, they may even advise you better or join you.

You should update them in a way that can surely make them understand you well without question say I want to clear my student loan soon that’s why am working on a budget now.

With such a humble satisfactory statement 90% of them will accept you and even keep supporting you yet, you can still chill out with them on their budget.

  1. Invest In Yourself Wisely

I don’t know how you understand this since we all think not the same and that’s why we look at things differently.

You can forego the less important things in life such that you divert the money you use on them to what adds up to you.

I like hanging out but when I want to buy a certain course sometimes, I would forego hangouts for months. With this, I then save the money I usually spend such that I can use it to purchase the course.

Hanging out is part of life since it helps me freshen my mind and get better upstairs but parting with luxury to some people is hard.

To me, this practice applies to most luxuries that I enjoy, and though I like them too I look at the magnitude of value between the two choices. Make the right choices in life when it comes to investing in yourself.

You might be interested in traveling, sky diving, boat cruising, and many more other things that you consider to be important in life but prioritize.

  1. Use Local Markets

I discovered that when you go to local markets to do shopping things are cheaper than when you shop from the stores. At times living a cheap lifestyle is worth it.

You can just try it out one day in case you’ve not it will make a big difference with your expenses yet the items are still the same quality or even better. Whether it’s basic needs that’s groceries or luxuries like jewelry the expense difference is huge.

So, if you’re on a budget it would be wise to use local markets such that you can save big yet still at the same time live large.

Most times I like the pressure of prices in the local markets that’s why I usually do it with my family or friends to have a fun time over the weekends.

  1. Have Some Fun Time

I usually spend some time out and spend on myself though wisely such that I keep on budget since I value it most. I schedule fun time days but I can still substitute them for convenience.

Sometimes I can go out during weekdays and the trick behind this is that things are cheap but I still get the same experience.

Going out it’s not just a waste of money as you may all think but it’s healthy in a way that it clears your mind from stress and anxiety. And when you go back to work it’s all good, just remember you didn’t spend a lot and yet you had real fun.

So, you’re living rich on a budget despite having fun during weekdays. It’s what I do sometimes but you can also adopt it.


Am living big yet I don’t have a lot of money in my bank account and you can also do it the right way no matter what you earn. However, it requires you to change your lifestyle to live large on a budget with best practices.

Like always first things first live like no one else today to live like no one else tomorrow. I apply most of the things above in my life, they have helped and shaped me in many areas.

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