How to Make Saving Money Enjoyable: 16 Ways

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Last updated on September 21st, 2024 at 10:28 am


money - make saving money enjoyable

I don’t know about you but to me saving money is a good financial practice. Am always thinking of how to make saving money enjoyable to save more.

Yes, I had a difficult time developing a saving culture for a few months in the start but I later got to know that saving money has to be fun to keep motivated. And there are things that you need to do to boost your savings without stressing.

I don’t need to be a scholar to make saving money on the side fun. But there are some strategies that are proven to work you must put into practice.

Let’s now get into how to make saving money fun to boost your savings to meet your future money goals fast.

How to Make Saving Money Enjoyable to Save More

Saving money can be interesting when you make it fun, but it can also get boring without a boost.

  1. Work Upon Your Mindset

Most people find it hard to save because they have a wrong mindset towards it. And that’s why it turns out to get out of hand hence saving little to no money at all.

If you don’t have reasons why you’re saving money, you may set unrealistic plans and you won’t have a strong attachment to save consistently. Mindset change is very important when it comes to saving money.

Putting money aside for future investment plans is very encouraging compared to an emergency fund. Though both need to be serviced, sometimes psychology plays out here most.

Everyone needs to work on mindset change to be able to save money fast with fun to avoid getting stressed along the way.

Therefore, ensure to put your mindset right no matter what you’re saving money for to make it fun to stay focused.

  1. Get a Side Hustle

Working a side job can make you more money to increase savings. If you have money to save it won’t get boring at all like when you don’t.

Putting money aside as savings doesn’t have to be stressful because it can kill motivation. There are lots of side hustles to start out to earn an extra income like blogging, freelance writing, dog walking, and more.

Whether the side hustle makes you money every day or so, it all adds up to savings making it enjoyable. Any extra income for savings depends on the type of side hustle that you started out.

Living off a single income stream mayn’t give you a boost in the savings account but starting up a side hustle can make it fun with some extra dollars to save.

  1. Budget for Savings

Budgeting money helps us to know where our money has gone instead of asking where it went. Saving money on a budget you can easily meet your money-saving goals due to consistency.

Yes, you know how much to put aside as savings at the end of the month after expenses. Income and expenditures are all under control.

When saving money is on a budget it gets interesting because you don’t have to stress about where to get savings. So, it’s one of the best ways to make saving money enjoyable.

  1. Compete With a Partner

Saving money can get interesting when you get someone to compete with as a saving partner. If you don’t mind sharing your progress, this can be a great way to help you keep on track.

As partners set goals that are realistic such that you so don’t get bored along the way. And competition can only be fair when you’re on the same page in terms of goals set.

You should both be accountable for your money savings practices in order to keep on track for the best. Introduce practices that boost savings like the no-spend challenge to save more, as partners it’s all achievable.

Sometimes saving money gets boring when you’re doing it alone but getting a partner makes it interesting and enjoyable hence saving more to reach money-saving goals fast.

  1. Create a Sinking Fund

Sinking fund categories are great for saving money for expected future-specific expenses. Sure, you allocate money to a particular fund like medical, home repair, holidays, rent, and more.

If you put up a sinking fund, don’t set your saving goals too high. Take an example where you’re earning $2000 a month but you want to save $1000 a month on a specific fund yet you have other expenses to spend money on, the target can easily strain your wallet.

However, a sinking fund being item specific keeps one focused when it comes to saving money. And it’s one of the best ways to make putting money aside as savings interesting and fun.

  1. Read About Personal Finance

You can start saving money without any experience, but reading books about personal finance gives you an edge and save more. There are many information sources that you can use like blogs and books with professional content.

Reading about personal finance, you’ll see a lot of things changing in your saving journey but only when you apply the knowledge acquired accordingly.

Starting up my blog, I got the motivation from personal finance blogs and the same applies to money best practices I use to manage money. Honestly, check out books like I will teach you to be rich by Ramit Sethi and the total money makeover by Dave Ramsey.

Personal finance books are inspiring and a real game changer in case you’re finding challenges saving money.

  1. Compare Achievements

Look at what you had before and how much you’ve achieved ever since you started the saving journey.  Comparing your progress is something that will completely change the way you save.

If you’ve achieved a lot through saving, definitely you’ll get interested in putting more money aside for future plans. It really gets fun when the results are worth the effort.

The moment you find out that saving money is boring compared to the past, it means there are things you need to put right to get fun. So, comparing your progress is a great strategy that one can use to get the most out of saving.

  1. Use Online Money Saving Apps

Using online apps like Acorns is great for saving that spare change from the purchases you make online. When the spare change accumulates to $5 it is automatically invested in shares of companies that will earn you dividends.

Sure, let’s say you make purchases worth $100.50 the balance of $0.50 is saved until you make $5 or more to be invested. It would be boring to save that spare change personally but with an app doing all the work it gets interesting, how cool is that?

  1. Make Saving Money a Game

To make saving money fun to save more, you need to do it as a game to stay focused. If there’s something interesting sort of a game you’re doing while saving, it keeps you going.

The things that bring out the best about gaming when saving money include budgeting for every item you plan to spend money on, looking out for cheap but quality purchases, spending way less than your buddies, and more.

Therefore, when saving money is done as a game with all the best practices in place it gets fun and you’ll save more with ease.

  1. Set Realistic Goals

For the saving goal to be realistic, it shouldn’t over-stress your income for the month. Sure, you need to spend on basic needs, discretionary, and also save.

Realistic goals set make saving money fun in a way that the saving plans are attainable, with enough to put aside as savings.

Planning to save $2000 a month for 5 years and you’re earning $2500 a month yet you have to spend on bills and other expenses for the month it’s not healthy. Saving $200 a month will take you longer to accumulate savings but it’s realistic and sustainable and saving money is fun when the saving target is sustainable and achievable.

  1. Take No Spend Challenges

Depending on how long you want to do it, sometimes you need to live without spending any money to boost your savings.

The days you decide not to spend any money are tough but fun because they are interesting and present better results. Long no spends time grows savings much faster hence the saving goals can be achieved in time.

The no-spend challenge would be presented by not spending on groceries for a certain time frame, using public transport instead of a private car, not partying for some time, and more. All the money that would have been spent on such items is saved for a certain period.

Do you have no spend days? If not, you’re not being fair to yourself because it’s one of the best ways to make saving more fun at no cost.

Spending little to nothing at all during the practice is very healthy in a way that it gets easier to tell which items you can live without and those you can’t do away with for some time. It’s challenging when you have just started it out but the moment you get used there’s no way you can live without it.

  1. Save Some Money for Fun

Because you’re saving it doesn’t mean that it’s only about very serious things in life but also leisure. Doing some savings for travel, entertainment, a new car and more is motivational.

Even when you’re saving for future investment plans but it’s also healthy to save and spend some money on you to have a life. I don’t completely cut myself from spending on things that are entertaining

I don’t know about you but sometimes saving money to spend on me is one of the things that have kept me going and saving a lot more than before.

  1. Reward Your Efforts

Though you’re saving money for future plans, but it’s a process. At every stage of the saving journey, you need to reward yourself for making it there.

Whenever you appreciate your efforts, it gives you the motivation to save more hence making the process fun and interesting.

If you’re planning to save a given amount for a period of 5 years, reward yourself every after one year responsibly as you wish for getting to that level. There’s nothing wrong with appreciating your efforts as long as it’s one of the ways to make you better.

  1. Look Out For Deals

I know most people don’t have the time to look through online stores for deals but it’s worth the time in order to save money. Some online platforms like stores and restaurants have days when you’re given offers that can save you a lot.

You don’t have to be good at browsing through online stores for deals, you just need a smartphone or laptop and some time to check out smart.

If such deals are available you spend less and save more money for the future or any other plans. Additionally, deals can improve your savings over time.

  1. Enjoy Free Entertainment

If you’re spending a lot of money on entertainment, it’s hard to save money. But things can only get better when you start looking out for free entertainment around your city.

Almost every month or quarter there are events that take place around your city and attendance is at no cost to you all. Skip paid events and attend free events for fun to save more in your account.

This is one of the money-saving practices that have really worked for me most of the time when I have a target. Yes, I don’t skip leisure but at the same time-saving money, how cool is that?

  1. Talk To an Expert

At times to make saving easier and fun you may need to talk to an expert to take you through the best practices. Most people fail just because they don’t know what to do or have consulted the wrong people.

A finance advisor has expert knowledge on money issues, he or she can advise whenever things go wrong to make saving easier for the best results. Make the finance expert your friend when it comes to saving despite some charges but they are worth it.

Conclusion on How to Make Saving Money Enjoyable

You don’t need to earn a lot to start saving money now for your future plans. And it won’t be easy to do it consistently until when you get used and adopt the best practices that work.

Saving money can only get fun if it’s not stressful and that is when you have money to save. Sure, it’s hard to save without an income source.

But with an income source available no matter your earnings and with best practices into play, saving money will always get fun and enjoyable to the fullest.







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