How to Start an Online Grocery Delivery Service Business

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Last updated on April 4th, 2024 at 10:47 am


A picture of a grocery driver making deliveries

Online grocery delivery service business is amongst the fastest growing sectors today. In the last 5 years, the industry has almost doubled its growth potential.

Grocery service business is a multi-billion dollar Industry in the United States worth $40 billion estimated to grow up to $600 billion by 2027.

There are lots of business opportunities in the industry despite competition. To start an online grocery delivery service now, it’s not too late when you put in the work.

However, starting up any type of business can be quite challenging that is why you need to know where and how to get into it with best practices that work.

This means using a defined step-by-step process which leads to a successful grocery delivery business that will make profits.

What Is Grocery Delivery Service?

This is a business that offers grocery delivery services from partner stores to its clients. It mostly targets people with busy schedules and clients addicted to convenience without time to move to stores.

Orders can be picked through grocery stores, wholesalers, and delivery service apps and then directly delivered to customers or clients.

Pros and Cons of Starting a Grocery Service

Grocery delivery service has lots of opportunities, but also there are challenges involved in starting the business as an entrepreneur should know.


  • It is a fast-growing industry
  • Easy to start when you own transport means
  • It’s a profitable business with lots of opportunities
  • You work at your schedule since you are the business owner


  • It’s a competitive industry
  • Poor internet network-related issues
  • Requires much investment capital in technology 

Steps to Start an Online Grocery Delivery Service Now

Grocery driver making deliveries

When you want to start an online grocery delivery service that will grow to make profits, you must use a proven defined process to get you there.

Understanding the process is boring but worth it to make things work out fast starting from researching the industry to the marketing phase to make money.

Let’s get into a step-by-step guide for starting a successful online grocery delivery service business.

  1. Market Research

First things first, market research is the first step to starting a predictable online grocery service that can grow over the years.

You get to know about competition in the industry, the target audience for the service offered, loopholes in service delivery to take advantage of, and more.

Without researching the market it may be hard to understand people’s preferences about the service offered. For service delivery at a higher level, you want to match the needs of the audience with the service in place.

Besides being an online grocery delivery, what makes your service different? Think of convenience and flexibility to clients about grocery delivery in your niche.

In the start, comparing with giant businesses makes the industry seem complex hence research should mostly be done on growing businesses.

  1. Choose a Business Model

A business model that is perfect for your audience is what will help you succeed in the market to make profits over time from target customers.

It will also determine the right business structure during the registration process. Without further ado, let’s get into the different grocery business models in the industry

  • Grocery store to clients

The service business connects with a grocery store to make deliveries to clients when they order. Deliveries fees are charged by the grocery store and paid to the delivery business for fulfilling orders.

This is the most commonly preferred business model in the grocery delivery business.

  • Wholesaler to clients

Here the grocery business contracts with a wholesaler to deliver orders for clients. Since most customers want to buy cheap, there are lots of business opportunities.

However, this business model requires some hard work since you may need to look out for clients to make deliveries which is not the case for the grocery-to-clients model.

  • Delivery service to clients

This involves making deliveries after registration through a service platform like Instacart, Amazon Fresh, and more, to immediately start making money.

Whenever an order comes in through the app you are paid fees for fulfilling the order as assigned. It’s another great way to start your online grocery delivery business.

  • In-house service

The model involves offering full service without partnering with other businesses to make deliveries. Customers are in direct contact with the business since everything is done in-house.

Besides, requires some experience and good investment capital to lay a strong foundation to sustain the business.

  • Hybrid model

This business model involves contracting with both grocery stores and wholesalers to fulfill orders at a cost to make money.

Therefore, according to the target audience and business structure, you need to choose an appropriate business model for the delivery service.

  1. Create a Business Plan

Another very important step in starting a grocery business is creating a business plan to be referred to during implementation. There are different components of a business plan as explained below for sustainability purposes.

  • Executive summary

This is an overview of the grocery business reflecting business plans.

  • Strategic market analysis

Here, the grocery delivery business ascertains the target market for the service offered for effectiveness.

  • Company description

It’s an entire description of business goals, missions, visions, and several services in place.

  • Competitive analysis

This component takes into account competition in the business and how to cope with the business environment. Since competition is part of business hence you should know about your competitors.

  • Financial plan

This is where planned capital expenditure and projected income of the grocery delivery business are done. The component reflects the company’s financial plans for business operations over some time.

  • Organizational structure

This is used to capture the company’s legal structure and team of members in detail. The structure of the hierarchy of authority for the grocery service business.

  1. Business Location

Deciding where to locate business offices is also another important step in starting an online grocery business. Despite using an online address, a physical address builds trust for the business with clients.

Besides, the business should be strategically located to ease service delivery and accessibility. It should be situated near the supplier for efficiency and effectiveness in service delivery.

You need to take into account rent costs after deciding where to put business offices before officially starting operations. Consider locating the business where the cost of business startup is low with benefits in terms of taxes and other legal benefits.

Physical business offices should be located close to the target audience to save time and transport costs for example grocery stores and clients.

Despite startup benefits, don’t forget you need the moving business to be located in a place where there’s a ready market.

  1. Business Registration

For the grocery business to start operating has to register with the responsible body in the state. It involves some charges that cost the business before making any profits.

At this stage, you must be clear about the structure of the grocery delivery business for example a sole proprietorship or a partnership.

Let’s elaborate more on the different business structures to put into consideration for a grocery delivery service.

  • Sole Proprietorship

This is a business managed by one individual having full control and liable to business proceedings

  • Partnership

A team of members known as partners register the business to operate while they share liability equally. Compared to a sole proprietorship, it spreads the business burden across members.

  • Limited Liability Company

Under this business structure, members of the company are entitled to liability and tax protection benefits.

  • Corporation

Here the business is a separate legal entity hence legal proceedings and other business transactions appear in the business’s name. Profits are shared as dividends at an agreed-upon date.

As you decide or after deciding on the structure for the business put into consideration brainstorming a company name for reservation. You have to get a name that relates to the interests of business.

  1. Get a Bank Account

This is where official business transactions are to be made during the calendar year for example clearing taxes after filing returns for the business and other payments.

For accountability purposes during the calendar year, the company account is the best tool to track income and expenditure for the business.

To open up an account financial institutions require an employer to present the Employer Identification Number (EIN) or a Social Security Number (SSN) in case of a sole proprietorship structure, Articles of incorporation, Directors, Business address, and other legal documents as required.

  1. Tax Registration

Unless there are tax benefits at the start, the business has to register for taxes to file returns for the financial year.

An entrepreneur has to acquire an Employer Identification Number (EIN) or a Social Security Number (SSN) in the case of a sole proprietorship business for tax settlements.

Consider selecting a tax year with an appropriate month in which it begins. You must be certain about the tax clearance period every financial to avoid state fines and penalties due to late payment.

Tax is revenue to the government that should be paid by every business operating in a given state. The revenue collected is used to run government businesses every financial year.

  1. Get Licenses and Permits

To start operations legally you need to acquire licenses and permits for the grocery delivery service. This is a mandatory requirement by authorities like state licensing and local licensing for all businesses in the industry.

Since grocery service is under transportation some of the licensing requirements include a driver’s license, bicycle messenger license, general business license, and more. However, licensing requirements and acquisition procedures in several states are quite different.

Make use of information resources about licensing and permit requirements for the grocery service like MyCorporation’s Business Licensing Package for guidance. Through such resources, you get to know the right licenses and permits to use for the business.

You can consult business experts for guidance about licensing requirements when you want immediate help, but this goes at a cost to the business.

  1. Business Funding

As an entrepreneur, you need to find ways to get funds for the business to keep operating until when it starts making money. There are different ways to look for funds for the grocery service to facilitate daily business activities.

  • Government grants

Platforms like have government funding programs for investors in different sectors of businesses.

  • Family members and friends

Talk to friends and family members about the business for loans or business partnerships to raise funds to facilitate the grocery service.

  • Crowdfunding

Crowdfunding platforms such as Fundable and Wefunder provide access to potential investors interested in funding new businesses.

  • Personal savings

Personal savings can be used to facilitate business activities for the grocery service business without borrowing any money. This is applicable when you have been making savings for the business.

Though you want funds for the grocery service, consider an appropriate mode of funding for the business.

  1. Create an Operational Plan

To effectively run business activities there should be an operation plan in place. This means working out a routine of activities to be done daily, weekly, or monthly for effective service delivery.

Let’s look at some components of an operational plan for a successful grocery service.

  • Transport maintenance

The grocery delivery service is a transport business hence maintenance for cars or scooters has to be prioritized for effective transportation. Any breakdowns and delays during the movement of groceries are handled with immediate effect.

  • Planning routes

Another important aspect of an operational plan is planning routes to save time and fuel or gas costs. This involves investing in route planning software, despite costs but worth it.

When you don’t plan routes to transport groceries, it may result in delays and huge transport costs to the business.

  • Pickup and delivery scheduling

For effectiveness and efficiency in service delivery, there must be an organized pickup and delivery plan for groceries. Here you need to take into consideration time, destinations, pickup location, weight, and more.

  • Customer support

There should be an organized plan to cater to customer satisfaction in the best way possible for success. This means hiring an informed team of support staff to do the work accordingly to avoid complaints.

Operational planning doesn’t have to be complex hence should be designed according to business structure. An effective operational plan will lead to timely deliveries, efficient customer support, reliable transportation means, proper route planning, and more.

  1. Staffing

In the process of making deliveries to clients, you need people to work with as employees. When the business is just starting consider recruiting staff with the required skills to save.

You don’t need to recruit employees who are not relevant at a certain stage. This implies recruitment should be in stages as the business grows.

The recruitment process will at times cost the business, but there are also online platforms where you can outsource employees at no cost. Some of the platforms to find cheap quality employees include Upwork and Fiverr.

  1. Transport and Route Planning

To start an online grocery delivery service business also consider an appropriate transport means and route planning software to save fuel costs or gas and time when making deliveries. sure, you need a vehicle or a scooter that can save money on fuel or gas using the shortest routes.

Investing in appropriate transport and route planning software is an expense to the business but saves a lot for any transport service business.

Therefore, plan the routes and use appropriate transport means for effectiveness and efficiency in making deliveries to clients.

  1. Business Insurance

Insurance of business property is another important step in starting an online grocery service business. Items like cars, scooters, office equipment, and workers need insurance.

You only need basic insurance covers for the new business at cheaper costs to save money on insurance, there are different forms to consider to protect business property.

Here are some appropriate insurance covers for the grocery delivery service business.

  • Workman’s Compensation

This covers the grocery service business employees against injuries attained while performing company work.

  • Business Property Insurance

It covers equipment and supplies of the grocery service business against unpredictable events.

  • Commercial Auto Insurance

This protects company vehicles against unpredictable incidents like accidents, theft, and fire.

  • Liability Insurance

The policy covers property damage and injuries to workers of the grocery business. This is cheaper since it bundles some insurance policies into one to save.

Consider insurance covers that are worth purchasing for the new business to operate hence not all policies are fit for the grocery business. Some forms of insurance coverage are part of business requirements in some states.

  1. Online Presence

The grocery service requires social media handles and a business website to connect with people at any time of the day.

Establishing an online presence will ease communication with business stakeholders like clients and suppliers. A business website and social media platforms are online addresses for the grocery business.

Besides a physical location, some people with busy schedules are addicted to the convenience that comes with social media and a business website.

Thorough online platforms make sure to meet the expectations of stakeholders to build trust for long-term business relationships.

Designing professional social media platforms and a business website may come at a cost to hire an expert. But you can save the costs when you have some social media and web designing skills.

Through platforms like Fiverr or Upwork, it is possible to get access to professional web designers and social media developers at cheaper costs.

A business website and social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and TikTok ease business marketing with a modern approach.

As an entrepreneur design a business website that matches your online grocery service business. Consider social media platforms that are in line with the business type and target audience.

  1. Marketing

  • Product or Service

The service offered by the grocery delivery service should meet customer standards in terms of quality, packaging, delivery period, and other service-related features for customer satisfaction.

  • Price

Some clients are easily convinced by competitive prices offered in the market.  Keep in mind the cost of sales, you don’t have to sell at a loss because you want business.

  • Promotion

Business promotion is one of the most important components of the marketing mix for spreading awareness to the target audience. This can be done through offering free service, discounting, and giveaways to the community with intentionality.

  • Place

Clients want to access services with convenience hence must be put in mind when looking for a location. Also, find the best platforms to use to ease accessibility to the services offered by the business like social media, apps, a business website, and more.

  • People

You need people to work with in business to deliver service in the best way possible to the target audience. For grocery service consider drivers, marketing specialists, virtual assistants, and other support staff.

  • Packaging

Another very important part of the marketing mix is appropriate product packaging. Proper packaging is required to be informative, unique, and quality.

  • Process

You need a defined distribution strategy to use when making deliveries to clients. This is what will help you offer the best service consistently over time.

Despite the 7Ps, proper marketing strategies must also be put into consideration for efficiency over time.

  • Market research

You should know about your competitors and the target audience in the industry for business purposes. This may include businesses strictly into grocery deliveries and people with busy schedules respectively.

  • Profile the target audience

It is best practice to collect data about the target audience by location, demographics, consumer behavior, and more for effective marketing. This data helps you to understand your audience in general to ease service delivery.

  • Unique selling proposition

Convincing customers to consider your services instead of your competitors is an effective marketing strategy. Let them know what differentiates you from other providers out there in the same business.

  • Business branding

Building a brand for the business is one of the most important things a business owner should keep in mind all the time. As a form of marketing, a brand is an image of the business in the public.

  • Business marketing channels

You need appropriate marketing channels to spread awareness about the services offered to the target audience for example social media platforms, blogs, networking, referrals, and a business website.

  • Budgeting and funding

Another effective marketing strategy is through proper planning and mobilizing funds to facilitate marketing activities like social media marketing, SEO, promotions, and advertising.

FAQs – Simple Steps to Start an Online Grocery Delivery Service

  • What Is The Most Appropriate Route Optimization Software For A Grocery Service?

To save time and fuel or gas costs, grocery deliveries must be made using the shortest routes. This requires efficient route optimization software to find the most cost-effective routes.

Some of the best route optimization software for small businesses include Route4me, OptimoRoute, Samsara, and Elite-Extra.

  • How Much Money Do I Need to Start A Grocery Service?

The cost of starting a grocery service depends on the type of business structure. But investment capital ranges from $50,000 to $200,000 when you are just starting.

  • What Is The Best Transport Means For A Grocery Business?

There are different good transport means to use like a vehicle or a scooter to transport groceries. However, an effective transport means is reliable and budget fit for a new business.



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