19 Fun Productive Things to Do After Work to Make Life Happy And Healthy With Little or No Cost at All

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Last updated on June 23rd, 2023 at 04:18 pm


man and woman with their kid at the park

If you’re looking for fun productive things to do after work to make life happy, you’re in the right place not by chance to be real. To be honest, I can’t tell you the hours I used to spend on social media, it could most of the time make my evening while at home after work.

For sure, I got nothing good out of it since I didn’t use it for anything productive though I had some bit of fun which wasn’t healthy. Sometimes I used to get some serious pain in the eyes for staying long liking, commenting, posting, and sharing unproductive stuff.

Sincerely this practice wasn’t healthy at all since I ended up getting even more tired afterward with some other side effects. I used not to be good at reading though nowadays it’s really fun for me and it has done wonders in my life.

Through Google, I came across some blogs talking about how best you can make your evening great after work and these also diverted me from using social media.

To date, there’re lots of things that I learned and also apply that make my evening at home great despite the expenses attached to them but they are worth the cost.

You might be spending your evening differently and it’s kind of boring or even just making you more tired, don’t get worried there’s a lot you can do than that to make you feel better.

Don’t make your evening result into a nightmare that may result in getting back home late and having no time for your family. If you’re not getting what you expected out of your scheduled evening hours it’s fine.

I have lined up lots of fun productive things that you can choose from and make your evenings with a story to tell at the workplace. A healthy mind is a productive mind and that is why you have to mind your life with healthy practices that can help you in doing things right.

Fun and Productive Things That Can Make You Feel Happy after work

  1. Taking a walk

You don’t need to have a lot of time to schedule yourself for a walk after work. The 30 mins that you think aren’t enough in a day are proven to be very beneficial according to Mayo Clinic.

If you think watching tv is the best, just try strolling out today for half an hour you’ll feel the difference between sitting and walking. You know how best you can schedule yourself for maximum benefits with consistency.

And whether you’re working from home or not sparing that time is very important no matter how tight your work schedule is. I normally take an evening walk since usually I spend time sited writing my blogs. And there are also apps that you can use to help you measure up your effort.

  1. Reading a motivational book

someone reading a book

What to do after work when single and really in need of something that can freshen your mind such that you can cool down in case of any pressure? Reading is fine. And to me, reading is one thing I believe can cool you down during your after-work hours that might have been not easy.

Reading worked for me yet I wasn’t interested in reading at all but when I landed on some good books, they changed the story. You learn things you didn’t know within your area of interest in that short-scheduled time.

Just know you can’t remain the same when you read books like Presence: bringing your boldest self to the biggest challenges – Amy Cuddy, refuse to Choose: use all of your interests, passions, and hobbies to create the life and career of your dreams – Barbra Sher and Body of work: finding the thread that ties your story together – Pamela slim

  1. Subscribe To Audible

How to make the most of evenings after work? If you want something nice to listen to you can grab yourself an audiobook after work to take you through.

With audible, you can learn more than what you think and this makes you different every other day that goes by. And that’s why most successful people you hear about are always interested in learning what they don’t know so long as it adds up to them.

Big names like Steve Jobs and warren buffet up to now are some good names that you can compare with when it comes to learning.

There’s one investment that supersedes all the others: investing in yourself. Nobody can take away what you’ve got in yourself and everybody has potential they haven’t used yet says warren buffet

What if you at least after work spare some time to listen to audible and learn what the great men do with just a 30-day Audible free trial that has two free audiobooks?

  1. Relax in an inflatable pool

You can have a good time with your family after work in a big inflatable pool in your compound to spice your day. It’s big enough to accommodate you and your family, you don’t have to worry about the size and quality it’s just fine.

Nowadays it’s really getting common for people to have them around the home to enable them to associate with their families very well and also relax.

  1. Flex with Zumba dance

After work, you might want to warm up yourself the right way and this has to be in a healthy style. You can try out some Zumba lessons or instructional videos as an option since you can attend to them during your preferred time.

You don’t have to be good at dancing all you want is given out to you in the lessons taken or in the instructional video you have accessed.

By the end of any Zumba lesson, you’ll find that your health is completely different from what it was before. It cools the pressure you have and gives you a fresh mind that can think right and just in every situation.

  1. Workout a puzzle

When you talk of puzzles some people think it’s something that just wastes time but yet it’s among the best examples of enjoyable activities to do after work. But let me tell you if you want to work your mind doing a puzzle is among the best things you can do.

Puzzles can come in different types depending on what you want, whether for adults or kids the suppliers have them all in stock for you. With puzzles, you want it all natural and physically such that you can have time with your friends and family after work

To me doing a puzzle is a plus since it boosts memory and gets you better at handling issues in real life with a thoughtful mind. Research shows that with puzzles you can improve your intelligence quotient with four points when you get to it for just twenty-five minutes.

It can surely make your after-work time enjoyable and you can extremely settle your mind without much hustle.

  1. Organize your place

I don’t mean you’re not tidy but it’s always necessary to look around your house or home to see some changes you can make. You can also try to organize all you see that has been disorganized at home as part of fun things to do after work.

A healthy environment is an organized one where you can feel comfortable living after work and so you have to make it convenient. Using a DIY string art kit can be among the options to help you out in making things better. It can be used to decorate your room or any area of interest.

The kit is very well-detailed with instructions to follow and supplies to use in order to come up with your preferred 3D images. Know that when you’re organized you won’t find any challenges keeping up with a cleanliness routine.

You might be excited after reading this article that you can straight away begin putting proper your things as quickly as possible.

But organizing your place has to take some time such that you don’t again completely disorganize everything. The most important areas you can start with if you’re to do so could be your closets, living room, and kitchen.

  1. Grab a kindle paperwhite e-reader

If you’re not good at reading but you want something that can motivate you to read with convenience, just get a kindle paperwhite e-reader.

Here you say no to physical copies and with Kindle, you can get any book onto it and read in your own time. That’s relationships, health, numerology, and so on.

It’s easy to go around its settings and make any changes you want to maximize its benefits. Just think about anything that you want to read about but of course something productive.

  1. Look through your budget

I know what goes into people’s minds when one talks about things like budget. Many don’t like numbers but you can’t live without numbers in life till when you stop breathing.

Most times what makes us feel not contented about the returns from the services we offer it’s just a spending problem, not an income problem.

You need to check your budget if at all you have one such that you can wipe out most of the expenses that are not worth spending money on and fix those that are worth your money. After-work times are not only frustrating just because we make wrong choices of things to relax our minds.

The spending problem can also affect us after work which makes us think that we’re not doing enough and this spoils people’s moods about working or anything else.

But looking through the budget will help you effectively work on your budget and we all know that small unnecessary expenses fail us most.

The subscriptions you know that are not of great importance but appear on your bank statement and credit card statement must be stopped immediately. Why keep the free trials that you have no interest in and gym memberships that you’re not using right now?

If it needs you to make a new budget or one if you’ve never made any please do. And this will help you effectively direct your money where to go than ending up asking where it went says, John Maxwell

You can work on your budget the right way during your after-work time in a fun and productive way.

  1. Practicing piano

someone playing piano

You don’t have to be good at the piano to get yourself a piano. Relax your mind naturally with a handmade 17-key thumb piano also knowns as a kalimba.

Slowly by slowly you’ll learn it and develop those nice tunes and sounds that are good at making one feel calm and stress-free. This piano is a mahogany wood type with stainless steel keys and good quality.

What’s even cooler is that it’s equipped with a tuning hammer, stickers that guide on the notes, a cloth bag, two book guides, and other things you can try checking out yourself. If you’re looking for what to do after work when working from home a piano is an option.

  1. Catch up on a cool game

I don’t know what you enjoy most lately but grabbing yourself animal crossing: the new horizon isn’t a bad option. You can relate with family and friends by catching fish on your beautiful island. That’s interesting, right?

Wanting to forget the stressful day? This Nintendo Switch game is good and can settle your mind to then feel at home again. Mind your time when at this game since you may go past your relaxing time and forget about anything else, it really catching.

  1. Work on your vocabulary

It helps you improve your communication skills and increases your opportunities. Good communication is the one thing that can bring closer people with value to you at the workplace and while out of the workplace.

Communication is key to everyone which is why it has to be tackled from all angles such that we can get better at it. How about you try out Merriam-Webster’s dictionary word of the day daily notifications?

Instead of getting overwhelmed with unnecessary notifications in your inbox, the value it has can replace all that but you need to practice. So, if you hadn’t gotten something like this you then better get access to it during your free time and grow your vocabulary list with fun and productivity.

  1. Think about an alternative saving plan

A much easier way would be with the shopping that you do online.  Asking me how? Let’s jump in straight away. You can start saving using the Rakuten app while you conveniently carry on with your online shopping all throughout.

This app saves you a lot of money now and tomorrow depending on your online shopping frequency. Just put it on your priority list when it comes to online shopping and it’s one that you’ll wish you knew before. through this link, you get $30 for signing up and shopping from Rakuten

Get it from here that with Rakuten as it’s a cash-back app, you get cashback whenever you carry out any online purchase. It might sound too good to be true but you just make any online purchase and save some money, it’s that simple.

You don’t have to pay any money in order to get an account with them, it’s all free then you look out for any retailer you want using the search area. What you want to hear about is how you get the money, not so?

You can get your money through PayPal or you can also be directly mailed a check if that’s what you want. With time you’ll believe that you have been missing out on the offers inside this app for quite some time.

  1. Schedule a barbecue fun time

Some of us are not good at doing a barbecue but it doesn’t require you to go for a lesson. Just look for one YouTube video about making barbecue and it will all get done.

You learn to make it while at the same time you have fun with your family or even alone and it can surely divert your attention to purity. A smokeless searing grill can do you something great when you want to barbecue your meat and other stuff.

It has a removable hood, is flexible since one is able to use it even outdoors, and is easy to clean. when it’s about after work activities with co-workers, barbecue fun time is great.

  1. Meditation

man and woman meditating

This is not a waste of time as you think though it looks like just sitting down to relax. You have to get some free time for yourself and use it wisely with best practices for maximum benefits in the long run.

It might be something new to you and wondering how to do it, no worries. And it’s among the things to do after work at no cost to you at all.

There’re two options that you can use that is if you’re on a budget you just get onto YouTube and search for a video on meditation and teach yourself to meditate.

Though the downside is it takes some time to perfect it when done without a mentor. And another option would be getting a mentor or grabbing yourself a fully packed meditation recording at cost.

You get to learn the different meditation postures to use where, when, and how in the right context with many other things.

Meditation actually feels good because you happen to get a fresh free mind though all this happens after some time of getting in a deep state. With meditation am sure you won’t regret the moments and you’ll worry less about the past.

  1. Writing down your goals

someone writing in a note book

If you can’t plan out your dream goals then you’re up to nothing for real. Sometimes we fail just because we can’t clearly think through our goals and this requires you at least to settle your mind for a few minutes a day.

When you settle your mind, you can think of how best you can achieve your targets in the best way possible for example saving for future investment plans. You can write down what you think works for you such that you can keep on track for a scheduled period of time.

With planning out your goals, you don’t need to be an expert and that’s why it can also be done alone at your convenience after work. I used to think all this was hard to do but when you stick to it and always apply it you get flexible with it.

Say you want to begin saving for a future investment plan because you can’t raise the money at once, right? You have to know how much you’re going to be saving every month and how best you can achieve it but all down on paper to keep you focused.

I normally schedule myself for a certain number of blogs per week and this is what I do for example 2-3 blogs per week – 6hrs per day – 4 to 9 am and it’s 4 days a week. Also, sometimes I do write stickers to remind me and again keep me focused on my targets for the day, week, month, and year.

  1. Play some nice music

Music can refresh your mind when you come across some nice selections depending on your mood. If you’re good at working out but feeling bored practicing in a quiet environment and wanting some music, you can have just dance video game.

Just dance has a big selection of songs from big names and you don’t have to be good at dancing to dance along it’s all fully packed. There’re various other ways you can make good use of your after-work hours like grabbing yourself a portable mini wireless blue tooth speaker

It should be long-range in that you can listen to or entertain yourself while doing your other activities. I like background music when am writing and reading, a portable mini really works for me wherever I decide to chill.

  1. Look after yourself

A long stressful day doesn’t mean you should give up on yourself too, we all have issues but first things first and that’s you. When you’re stressed and frustrated, you get tortured upstairs and physically which prevents you from confidently standing out.

After-work hours are very good for picking up yourself and preparing for the following day. Look out for the things you feel can make you get better like swimming and going to the gym, though they impact your cost of living but healthy

Here your intention might be growing some muscle as well as burning some fat to look nice but at the same time cooling off the day

You know what’s right for you, whether doing some yoga, meditation, or painting your nails the list is endless for living healthy and looking good with a settled mind.

  1. Sculpting

If you’re not good at art what you have to know is that I also didn’t know I would ever at any one time have an interest in reading and writing. I just walk up one day then started reading titles and later on writing them down till when I started reading paragraphs but now, I go for articles and books.

You can do sculpting during your free time using a polymer clay kit. It’s made of various colors that’s more than 40 with many other tools and jewelry hooks.

With this kit, you can take your time and learn to develop things like earrings made by you as you wish in some very good designs. It’s therefore an after-work time well spent in a fun productive manner. 

Conclusion On Fun Productive Things To Do After Work

I value time after work and it has helped me always have a day done with a successful approach to any challenges met during the day. Trying out some of the tips above might be a challenge at first but it all begins with one step.









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