17 Proven Ways Used To Save Money Every Summer

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Last updated on September 21st, 2024 at 10:28 am


drying clothes outside - proven ways used to save money every summer

Most of us want to have fun when summer comes but during this time some people blow their accounts. However, there are also proven ways to save money every summer but with some things put into practice.

I mean, there are proven strategies that can be used to go through the warm times without overstraining your wallet. Honestly, people are happy about the warm weather when things are moving smoothly.

Normally, when it’s summer people spend more than they do during winter time. Sure, just compare notes for both seasons.

Most things that you spend money on the most happen when times are warm for example parties, power bills, travel, and more. If your summer times don’t cost you much still reading through can get you better.

You’ll be less stressed with the challenging summer times by knowing what to do and when to do it to save money. Yes, you won’t feel the charges that much when you move to stores for discounted offers and free outings at the parks.

Not enough, right? Okay, let me throw more light on how to save money in summer with proven strategies that work.

Proven Ways Used to Save Money Every Summer

But to save money fast when times are warm and convenient, you’ll have to commit to practices that work and here we are now.

  1. Look Around For Fun Free Activities

To save money entertaining yourself outdoors in your area during summer times, look around to access unpaid activities in your area.

Sincerely, when you take the time to search you’ll find different places with free activities that won’t cost you any money. Sure, this means that the money you would have spent is kept aside.

In this online world of today, your smartphone does the work for you pretty fast to find free gym offers, concerts, and park visits. Paying nothing at all cuts spending while having fun.

These free offers happen every year most especially during summer time, which is a great time to be mindful about your spending. It doesn’t matter where you’re around the world but given the warm summers come around you need to strategize.

  1. Put the Air Conditioner to Good Use

Though it’s summer, your air conditioner doesn’t have to be on all the time to keep cool and this will help you reduce power bills.

If inside the house it’s too hot you can decide to chill from out or improve on the house’s air passages to get fresh air at no cost. Summer is the best time to work on the windows and ventilation system of the house.

Use the air conditioner only when it’s inevitable, but where Mother Nature can serve best it should be put off for some time.

  1. Don’t Spend On Gym Membership

home exercise

Surely gym membership should be canceled during summer because there are lots of ways you can exercise at no cost like running, swimming, and hiking.

Money spent working out at the gym can be put into summer savings since working out is done for free as you wish. If a gym membership isn’t worth it during summer, then cut it.

And guess what? For some gyms, by deciding to cancel membership during summer they offer discounts on resuming membership which saves money.

  1. Staycation

Why visit overseas attractions when there are interesting places in your location that you have never checked out? Staycation is touring places in your location rather than those across borders.

Where you live there are interesting areas that you have never visited and going to such places in summer won’t cost you that much. If people are coming from abroad to visit places in your area it means they are worth checking.

A staycation can be a huge money saver during summertime for those who put it into practice. Common places that you would visit include museums, highlands, mountains, and other physical features.

Just in case there are places that you haven’t visited, a staycation is the way to go.

Are there places you’ve never visited? Summer is the right time to save money on vacations. Therefore, checking out places around your location can save you thousands of dollars for those few months.

  1. Dry Clothes Outside

During summer at times there is plenty of sunshine which can effectively dry clothes at no cost to you at all compared to a tumble dryer. This helps to lower power bills and at the same time raise summer savings.

Drying clothes from outside can save you up to $5 every month in summer time which is equivalent to $60 a year. And if the amount is put into savings it can make a big difference in expenditure.

Somehow feels to be a lazy way to cut summer bills but it’s worth your time and a yielding practice you won’t regret.

  1. Avoid Soft Drinks and Bottled Water

When the season is hot you’ll find yourself thirsty most times hence end up buying energy drinks and bottled water which is costly. But if you want to save you need to avoid convenience by making or carrying your juice and water.

Keep the freezer in good condition such that you store water or juice for consumption to skip buying from stores. Preparing juice is quite time-consuming but you should spare some time to avoid spending money buying out.

Not only do you save money but you also consume quality water and juice prepared by yourself, which is healthy.

  1. Ride a Bike

Since the weather is good in summer, riding a bike can be a good alternative and it can save you a lot of money on fuel spent using a car. Use a bike to move around to nearby places instead of using a car that costs fuel or gas.

You can do a lot of things around with a bike moving you around to different places you wish to visit. A bike isn’t very safe but ensure to move with safety gears for protection in case of an accident.

  1. Don’t Cook Inside the House

Most times when meals are prepared inside, the house heats up, and cooling down requires using an air conditioner, which increases power bills.

During summer the weather is good outside hence cooking from out is safe and the house is kept cool with fresh air at no cost. Sure, you need to do away with convenience to raise summer savings.

The best part, any type of meal can be prepared from outside using a stove or put up outside a temporary kitchen. Just in case you’re not used to cooking outside but interested in saving it’s time to start planning for summer.

  1. Invite Friends Home

couple invites friends home

During summer it’s easier for friends to move for fun and inviting them over to your place costs you less than going out to party. The summer money-saving tip can save you a lot of money you would spend out in bars and concerts

And where it’s a joint effort, expenditure is reduced yet at the same time you’re using a free venue which is your house or compound.

I enjoy friendly home invites more than going out to spend at concerts or festivals. Sharing memories when we meet makes me get enough of the moment.

  1. Meal Plan

If you’re not good at planning meals, it’s time you start doing it to save money on food. Meal planning will not only work for you in summer but throughout.

When you plan meals you’ll eat healthy but on a low budget due to limited waste of food every month. Have you ever had time to take into account your monthly wastage of food, you’ll be surprised.

You don’t have time to plan meals, right? It’s all done for you at just $5 monthly with the $5 meal plan. It will save you a lot of time in case you get back home tired.

  1. Travel on a Budget

Summer is a good season for having fun and that’s why most people use it to travel for adventure. Sincerely, it’s very possible to save money even when you’re going to visit distant places.

However, some things must be put into consideration to lower the budget like using Airbnb for cheap accommodation, free campsites, flexibility with flights for discounted offers, and more.

You need to be updated about destinations with the best offers that will reduce your travel budget to save money in summer. It’s one of the best summer money-saving tips because travel can cost you a lot if you don’t plan well and ahead of time.

  1. Start a Side Gig

Summer is a busy season and putting up a side hustle during that time is such a great idea. With the business making money, it helps you to boost your savings.

And I would say that you can spare some holidays to make more money in summer than spending out or emptying your bank account. I don’t know about you but starting a side gig should be prioritized.

Surely, you can’t fail to get one that can pay you some good cash like putting up a garage sale, dog walking, and photography.

  1. Work On Pests by Yourself

A lady spraying her home

Save money this summer working on pests by yourself instead of hiring someone to do it at a cost. Doing it yourself at times saves since you go to pesticide stores and get things at a bargain.

But besides hunting down pests, you have more time to organize the store, kitchen, and other places that harbor pests that bring about wastage. Working on pests by yourself is also another great way to save money in summertime.

  1. Reduce Lawn Care Costs

Spare some time during summer to cut lawn care costs by doing it yourself when you’re free. Sure, everything is done by you like trimming and mowing the lawn.

You just need to understand how to work it out yourself, today social media platforms are good sources of information for almost everything. And by doing things right all the money that you would spend hiring people is saved.

Learning lawn care isn’t something to worry about though it takes time but it’s worth it. After all, if you want to save, you just need to be informed about how it works.

  1. Wash Your Car

This is another summer money-saving tip that can save you more than $5 every time you want to wash your car. If you don’t have the time to do it yourself, let kids do it for fun to clean it than incurring costs at the car wash.

Kids need to get involved in some summer activities to help cut costs on certain things that save money. There are lots of ways to cut costs in summer where you can involve children and washing cars is among the best ways.

  1. Save More with Coupons

Coupons are a great way to save money during summer time but only when gotten from trusted stores around. I don’t know which shopping apps you might be using to access digital coupons but look out for value.

Coupons can help you cut costs on meals, subscriptions, and other items that might be costing you. Grocery stores and restaurants may reduce prices by almost 50% and this enables one to easily save on purchases.

Therefore, couponing can be a great way to lower that budget to save more for that season than spending.

  1. Leave the Credit Card Home

someone holding a credit card

To avoid unplanned expenditures, when you go to buy things out to use at home better move with budgeted cash. And if moving with a credit card is what’s making you overspend don’t move with it to the market or grocery store.

When the credit card is left home you won’t buy things outside the budgeted list since you don’t have the money. I know it would be hard to do when not used but still, you want to raise summer savings.

Let’s say you can’t help not spending on your kid if he or she makes a request when you’re out, trust me leaving the card at home is the best way to do it.


  1. How Much Money Can I Save Every Summer?

It depends on your target, the strategy that you use to save, and your expenditure in summer. It’s when most people spend a lot hence track your expenses to save money.

  1. Is It Possible To Save $1000 In Summer Time On Purchases?

It’s very possible when you do things right, take an example where you put up a side hustle that pays you well and it boosts your savings. And I guess what, you can save more than $1000 when you’re frugal enough.

  1. What Is The Best Way To Save Money During Summer?

You must determine how often you use the items you want to save money on in the first place. However, starting up a side hustle and tracking your expenditures are better options.


Summertime is a happy season and it’s the best time to work on your savings. Trying some of the above ideas would be a lifesaver in your finances. Hope we had it cool throughout, right? Am out of here big fans.

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