How to Start an Online Food Delivery Service Business Today: 11 Steps That Work

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Food to be delivered

How to start an online food delivery service business, it’s a process but achievable like any other new start-up. And when you have that entrepreneurial mindset nothing can stop you from achieving your dream.

As part of the process, there will always be ups and downs in any business at every step. No matter how good you are in running new startups you’ll have to go through challenges.

If you’re buying meals at your place of work and spending money every month, don’t you think someone is offering a service that is solving a problem? There’s that person with a food delivery business making money.

If he or she’s doing it, you can also do it at your convenience delivering food to people to make money. Despite the ever-increasing number of food delivery apps online, the niche can’t easily be saturated due to population growth.

Besides, people nowadays are obsessed with convenience as part of the modern lifestyle. However, when you put up a food delivery service business ensure to provide the best meals for good health.

Deciding to come up with such an idea means you’re ready to meet whatever comes your way for the best. In this write-up, we are going to explain in detail how you can start a food delivery service business from scratch to earn.

What Is A Food Delivery Service Business?

A food delivery service business is a type of dispatch rider service in which food is delivered to clients from restaurants, stores, and other places. Orders can be taken in different ways whichever is convenient at the time of making an order for example through an app, restaurant, or website.

Types of Food Delivery Service Businesses

There are mainly two types of food delivery service businesses as we are going to see, but you have to choose which one is right for you to get started.

  • Meal Delivery Service Business

With this type of food delivery business, you make the meals yourself to deliver to customers wherever they are ordering from. Here you have an organized kitchen for making meal preparations.

  • Restaurant Delivery Service Business

Here you deliver food to clients from partner restaurants and you’re paid a commission for making business. Also, you may charge customers delivery fees or receive tips.

11 Steps to Start an Online Food Delivery Service Business

A picture of a shopper

Starting a food delivery business is quite challenging but the outcomes are worth the effort. And without further ado, let’s get into the different steps to get you started for success.

  1. Make a Business Plan

Planning the business you’re going to start is part of the process to success. Sure, you need to know where you’re from and where you’re going with the help of a business plan.

This is what will keep you motivated and stay focused chasing the dream to come true. A business plan entails a few very important things that must be noted.

Carry Out Market Research – Assess the viability of the business in the industry and in your preferred location of operation. Get to know where your target customers are found and who your competitors are in business

Finding your target customers isn’t enough but also know who they are whether office workers or common people.

Talking about office workers we mean the corporate class and common people are those with small orders in large numbers. Find out how to increase earnings by reducing the cost per delivery made.

Understanding your market is very crucial and this is what will help you get ahead of your competition in business.

Select a Business Type – After doing thorough market research you can decide whether to do a restaurant or meal delivery service business whichever is convenient.

The business strategy and setup are mostly dependent on the type of business chosen. But where it’s necessary you need to consult about any legal procedures for business proceedings.

Come Up With a Marketing Strategy – The best way to boost sales to grow the business fast it’s through marketing. You need to know the right marketing platforms that will bring a return on investment for example social media, influencer marketing, and paid advertisements.

Budget Finances – Starting a business with an estimate of revenue and expenditure over a certain period of time is a sound money practice. And for better results, changes can be made where necessary for the best.

A business plan is such a great tool in starting a business despite the fact that it’s subject to changes at any time when the need arises.

  1. Choose the Area of Operation

You need to be clear about where you’re going to set up the business to start making food deliveries to people with convenience. Locate the business near customers to manage time and delivery costs.

People need to get food when it is still warm and in time but when you’re far away things won’t work out your way.

  1. Formation of a Legal Business Entity

To acquire legal business status you have to identify the business whether as a limited liability Company, sole proprietorship, or corporation. This means that the food delivery business can be able to transact business in its name and also settle legal actions.

At times when it comes to forming a legal business it’s challenging to some people but talking to a consultant is a better alternative. Sure, a business consultant will give professional advice on how to go about it the best way possible.

  1. Get a Business Bank Account

A legal business should have a business bank account where to settle business transactions. Your personal and business transactions shouldn’t share an account at any one time.

And of course, there are those transactions that will have to be settled using only a business account for example filing tax returns and business loans.

  1. Register For Licenses and Permits

Like any other type of business, setting up a business to start operating it’s a process. No matter where you want to work from it’s by law to acquire a license to get permitted working.

Yes, this involves official documentation which could at times frustrate but that’s what it takes to get going and also keep free from operating illegally which may lead to fines and penalties.

Food delivery is quite sensitive that’s why when it comes to licensing it’s serious, you need a general business license and a food vending license.

You don’t have to skip any food safety measures when you want to grow the delivery business from scratch to make money.

If you’re not clear about licensing talk to a business expert or consult with the United States Small Business Administration (SBA) about business licensing and permits.

  1. Register For Taxes

A food delivery business is like any other type of startup hence you’ll have to file returns to pay taxes to the state. Get to know about the different taxes you’re entitled to pay and its best practice to register for taxes on time.

You also need to get an Employer Identification Number (EIN) for tax purposes assigned by the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) which administers and enforces U.S. federal tax laws when you’re living in the United States.

  1. Staffing

It’s hard to work alone in this business and expect to grow, you must employ some people to help you out in day-to-day activities. Regardless of the type of delivery business you’re into you need people to take responsibility at different levels.

Despite the urgent need for staff, be considerate when recruiting to get people with the right qualifications for the job. Some of the qualifications most food delivery services consider include age, driver’s license, clean driving record, background check, past experience working with a delivery service, and more.

  1. Plan Meals and Price Charges

With all the above done the right way, it’s better to start thinking about the menu for meals and the prices to be charged.

Meal planning can be done according to the type of food delivery business chosen in relation to the target customers. This can be in the form of quick foods for the working class, meals for home deliveries, and others.

You have to take into consideration different food categories for customers to get variety, but designing a menu could be quite challenging.

When it comes to price charges you need to account for fixed, variable, and periodic expenses. Your charges should be fair compared to your competition in business.

  1. Establish an Online Presence

Today in business you have to take advantage of technology for convenience purposes and sustainability of the business. A food delivery business needs a social media platform or website to connect with clients in the best way possible.

You need someone to run your social media handles or a website since it also requires time which you may not have while concentrating on other activities.

Whether you’re creating a business website or social media platform, make the interface interactive and very user-friendly for customers to easily connect with the business.

  1. Transport and Route Planning

Normally food orders are the same delivery and customers expect you to get to them on time. Deliveries can be made using a car, motorbike, or bicycle whichever is convenient and fast.

Time management is key in the delivery business which can only be achieved with effective transport means and route planning. Same-day deliveries should be given priority though there could be customers who will make orders in advance for the next day.

You also need route optimization software for the business so that drivers deliver food to customers with ease using the shortest routes possible.

  1. Market the Business

Just creating social media platforms or a website for the business it’s not enough. You have to find ways to make the most out of them by applying marketing skills.

You can use these platforms to market the business using engaging content that you post about the service that you offer. Apart from digital marketing make flyers and banners to locally advertise the food delivery business.

Sometimes marketing can stress when you’re not ready to put in the work, but since the business needs to grow it would be wise to get a marketer with the right marketing skills to do the work.

Pros and Cons of How to Start an Online Food Delivery Service Business

When you start a business all won’t be good, there are also challenges met which can also be overcome using the right skills to sustain the business. Let’s now get into the pros and cons of an online food delivery business.


  • Low Startup Costs

Since it’s an online food delivery business, most of the things can be handled online. Internet connection is a powerful tool in this business since it also embraces employing remote workers which saves rent costs.

  • Access to a Wider Market

The easiest way to reach out to people you didn’t think about connecting with is using the internet. You can easily reach out to people through social media or a website to boost sales.

  • Low Marketing Costs

You don’t have to put in a lot of money advertising the business when it has social media platforms or a website that customers use to interact with the business.

And of course, in-house marketing saves a lot of money compared to using advertising companies to market the services of the business.


  • Money Conflicts

Despite the use of delivery service apps and other tools of convenience to make deliveries, there are lots of payment issues since most food delivery service businesses use contracted third-party drivers.

  • Quality of Food Delivered

Sometimes the orders delivered may reach clients when they are not warm due to poor storage. And if this happens the food is considered to be of poor quality which affects business earnings.

  • Unpredictable Weather

Weather changes at times affect delivery drivers, for example during snow and heavy rains still clients make orders yet they must be served, this affects both In-house and third-party drivers.

Financing an Online Food Delivery Service Business

Starting any business requires money to be used as startup capital and this can be gotten from somewhere to inject into the business. Let’s now look at the different sources of funding for a food delivery service business.

  1. Own Funding

Before seeking money somewhere else, you need to check out your savings. Sure, have something with you to get started before getting money from elsewhere.

  1. Friends and Family Members

Talk to immediate friends and family members for financial help. These will most likely give you free or borrowed money without very many strings attached.

  1. SBA Guaranteed Loans

If you can’t get money from friends and family members, you can get a loan from the bank using small business administration as your guarantor.















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