11 Simple Steps to Start up a Remodeling Business Now: All in This Write-up

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Steps to Start up a Remodeling Business - A handyman furnishing timber

Like any other periodic costs, home improvement is also among those costs that take some good money whenever it is done every after a period of time. If you have the skills here are the steps to start up a remodeling business now, it’s not as hard as you think.

The remodeling industry is growing at a very fast speed yet with lots of opportunities available to be exploited. It’s an industry with billions of dollars cashed out every year on home improvement.

Starting up a remodeling business is simple when you know what you’re doing, but at the same time complex at first attempt. And besides, you must put in the work to make the most out of it whether you’re just getting started or already invested.

Reading through this entire write-up at no cost to you at all may get you somewhere with confidence in whatever you’re doing.

Define Remodeling In Construction

This is where redesigning and restructuring are done on a building with permission with the help of an architect. Demolishing and other building activities are some of the tasks involved in remodeling work.

Simple Steps to Start up A Remodeling Business

If you’re into starting up a remodeling business the right way, without wasting much time let’s get into the simple steps to start up a remodeling business for success.

  1. Carry Out Market Research

Market research involves taking time to find out what the market is like in terms of competition, profitability, startup costs, pricing, target market, and more. It’s an eye-opener about several things in the industry you would want to know at the start.

You’re not alone in the industry, when you’re just getting started it’s ideal to know about other businesses doing the same type of work and how they are progressing. Here you’ll be able to operate with an edge compared to your competition the right way for business.

Starting a remodeling business you want to make money, right? This means the business has to be profitable hence when work is done it’s possible to keep some money aside as a profit but all this can be assessed through market research.

Before starting any business, as an entrepreneur you need to know how much it can cost to set up. This may not be an exact amount but close to what’s needed depending on the industry and other market conditions.

In renovation work it’s not just about labor, clients also want to get the best offer in terms of material prices to save money. As you research the market get to know the best prices for different materials used.

There’s no business that can survive without clients to support its work. Find out who your target customers are in the industry and use the right channels to reach out to them about the services offered compared to the industry.

Therefore, market research is a very important step for any new start-up that wants to get business in the industry with an edge.

  1. Create a Business Plan

In any business when you don’t have a plan, you’re planning to fail in time to come. As an entrepreneur with a new startup, you must have a guiding tool on how you’re going to execute business goals in a step-by-step process.

After a business plan has been thoroughly written, you have to make an executive summary which is a brief overview of the whole remodeling business plan.

Make a company description to let stakeholders know about the business functions at first sight. They will be able to know where to find you for business dealings and how to get your services.

Competitive analysis is another item you must include in the business plan, it helps you understand competition in the industry so as to serve with an edge.

Organizational structure also gives details about the legal structure of the business and the entire management at different levels.

Market analysis is a detailed plan of how to deliver service to potential customers in the best way possible. You need to know your clients and what they are missing in terms of service delivery to serve with an advantage.

A financial plan is also another item investors and other would-be business partners would like to look at to know about projected company expenditures, incomes, and profitability of the startup. This has to be put on paper to give confidence to potential investors and other funders before putting money into the business.

All this is therefore an indication that the business is taking a clear path to accomplish its goals with a detailed plan. Also include other relevant additional documents if any for the readers in the business plan.

  1. Business Registration

Registering the business it’s one of the most important things that you have to do before getting started with any business functions. Once registration is done it can operate formally where it’s legally located.

Registering a business in a given location depends on different factors like state laws, rent costs, competition, the nature of the business, and more. This is where you have to select an appropriate legal structure for example sole proprietorship, partnership, Limited Liability Company (LLC), or corporation.

A limited liability company is a legal structure that offers liability protection and ease with tax compliance hence ideal for most new startups.

  1. Get a Business Bank Account

A legal business should have a business bank account where to keep, receive, and make other money transactions. This means you’ll have to open up a bank account in the name of the remodeling company.

Getting a company account helps to keep company money away from personal finances which eases filing tax returns. Any legally registered business should have a bank account where money transactions for the business can be done.

Check out your most preferred bank to find out what’s required of your company type to get a bank account. The bank will give you a list of things you need to present to get an account for example Employer Identification Number (EIN), legal structure, articles of incorporation plus other formal documents that matter.

  1. Tax Registration

How to start up a remodeling business the right way? In any state where you’re going to operate, the business has to pay taxes to support government activities. As an employer, you’ll have to get an employer identification number (EIN) for tax purposes.

But where it’s a one-man business, instead of using the employer identification number you’ll use the social security number in filing returns.

Normally the taxes to be paid will depend on the type of business structure and other factors held constant. Sometimes tax settlements are quite complex but where necessary it would be better to seek professional guidance for accuracy.

  1. Get Licenses and Permits

Licenses and permits are legal requirements for the business enforced by government authorities. There are licenses and permits that you may need at certain levels for example the general engineering license and specialty contractor license serve different purposes.

Also, places where to get licenses matter because local authorities, the state, and the federal government have different licensing requirements needed for businesses to legally operate.

For any licensing requirements consult with Small Business Administration (SBA) to get access to the right documents to use. Seek expert guidance where necessary when licensing and permit acquisition get complex.

  1. Recruit Staff

A remodeling business requires staff to run operations during the day even when it has just started. There’s work that must be done at different levels by staff with different levels of professionalism for example web designers, marketers, social media experts, customer relations experts, and more.

Recruitment is one activity that should be done with competence to avoid getting unprofessional workers. The business can’t be sustained for long when its employees are incompetent or not trained on the job.

However, since you’re just getting started it would be wise to employ the most basic staff to cut costs.

  1. Business Insurance

Some new startups don’t take insurance seriously but at times it is also part of the key factors clients consider before giving business. When you have insurance, in case of any sudden incident that affects business operations you’re covered.

A business without insurance may end up in huge losses or shut down when an uncovered incident happens. There are different insurance policies that are fit for a remodeling you need to consider as below.

Property Insurance – business equipment and supplies are all covered here at a specific premium amount.

Workman’s compensation – this insurance is meant for employee compensation whenever they get injuries at work.

Equipment breakdown insurance – A remodeling business may require equipment breakdown insurance to cover repairs for equipment on site.

Commercial auto – this covers a company-owned vehicle in case of any unforeseen event.

Business insurance shouldn’t be among the last things to think about because you can’t predict tomorrow. It must therefore be included in the priority list of the remodeling business set up for sustainability in the long run.

  1. Get Funding

The remodeling business requires funds to start operations for the business after registering legally. This is one of the most stressful times for any entrepreneur looking for funds to be used in delivering service to clients.

Let’s now look at some of the ways to get funding for the remodeling business to start operations with some good capital.

Family Members and Friends – before reaching out to other sources of funding, it would be wise to start with immediate family members and friends for a partnership or loan. However, all this must be done in broad daylight.

Personal Funding – You can put money into the business with some of your savings, selling off an asset to raise capital and other means.

Get a Bank Loan – For new startups, this can be quite hard to get funded but with a good credit standing over a period of time and a well-drafted business plan it’s worth giving a shot.

SBA Guaranteed Loans – Another way to access funding is using small business administration to be your guarantor for a bank loan approval.

Crowdfunding – Make use of Crowdfunding sites like Wefunder, Fundable, and others to get access to investors interested in financing new startups.

All the methods listed are worth giving a try one at a go because you never know which one will work out for you depending on the business type, state, or city.

  1. Get an Online Presence

Today at any level whether new or old businesses should have a website or social media platform to ease interaction with customers. You don’t have to be an expert at social media or website design to have one for the business.

Use platforms like YouTube for tutorials about website and social media development at no cost to you at all to learn and get started from scratch. Some of the main social media platforms to use for business include Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, Snapchat and more.

  1. Marketing

It’s hard in today’s competitive business world to survive without marketing your brand to the public for recognition. As a new business in the industry, the best way to reach out to clients fast is through brand awareness.

Here you’ll be able to get leads for the business that can be turned into potential customers for the services in places. The marketing strategies used should mainly focus on target clients for remodeling services.

This means all the marketing channels used like a business website, fliers, car branding, billboards, paid advertisements, and social media must be industry-specific.

Marketing your services is one of the ways to start up a remodeling business you shouldn’t skip on this list when you want to grow your business for the long term.

Remodeling Business Pros and Cons

Like any other industry, starting a remodeling business has advantages and disadvantages.


  • Renovation services have a wider market
  • High profit margins
  • Easy to start up


  • Competitive industry
  • Fluctuations in labor and material costs

FAQs – Steps to Start up a Remodeling Business

Is It Possible To Make Money Starting Up A Remodeling Business?

Yes, but despite all the factors that determine the profitability of the business like competition, service demand, pricing, and more you have to put in the work to do things correctly to make money.

What Are Some of The Best Ways to Create Brand Awareness for A Remodeling Business?

Brand awareness can be done using different channels like social media platforms, a business website, fliers, banners, paid advertisements, and more. Connecting with people in the same industry is also another way to create brand awareness.

How Much Money Do I Need To Start A Remodeling Business Today?

Starting a business requires money, for a remodeling startup it needs at least $5000 to set it up. This figure might vary depending on the business location.

How Long Does It Take To Start Making Money In A Remodeling Business?

It depends on how much you apply yourself to the best practices and strategies used to attract clients to the services of the business.








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