How To Become Successful on Rover with Pet Care Services – Make $800+ Per Month

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Last updated on September 21st, 2024 at 10:28 am


A man walking dogs

If you want to become successful on Rover with pet care services earning an income out of your passion here you are. On Rover, dog sitting is one of the most trending side hustles since most people with dogs nowadays have busy schedules hence finding it hard attending to them.

This increases the demand for people with pet care experience every other day which makes it a profitable business for dog lovers wanting to make money. When you sign up on Rover you don’t have to hustle that much to get offers worth your effort.

Below we are going to look at the different ways in which one can be able to succeed on the platform with best practices. Clients want to realize value for money and that’s why you must ensure customer satisfaction.

You also need to get paid after work, right? The services offered should be worth the payment, many people have made additional income on Rover within a few years by doing things correctly.

What Is Rover?

picture of rover app logo

This is an online platform that connects pet sitters to pet owners in need of care services. And some pet care services include dog walking, pet sitting, dog boarding, doggy daycare, and more.

With creativity, as a dog lover, you can make money in different ways on the platform. The company has been around for over a decade connecting service providers to pet owners.

Rover pet-sitting platform has physical locations in the United States. Therefore, pets need to be taken care of and that’s why even though owners don’t get time to cater to them, they hire pet sitters to attend to them at a cost.

What Does It Take to Qualify as A Dog Sitter on Rover?

Most people are failing to sign up on Rover thinking that they need to be with the best petcare profiles and qualified to be approved. Truth is, you don’t need to be a professional pet sitter to be considered fit though at some point it also gives you an edge.

However, as long as you know what you’re doing with a passion for pets or dog sitting you’re good to start. This platform is open to whoever feels confident about the side hustle to get it on.

And there’s no limit to the number of services you would wish to offer to clients given you have the potential. To succeed, ensure effective service delivery to clients’ needs. Dogs want to enjoy, for example, some need to move around and play with others to have a life.

Additionally, you need to know what you want in order and deliver according to customer expectations.

How Does Rover Work?

When it comes to pet care, most things are possible with Rover. Dog lovers get paid for taking care of dogs for the workaholics since they need to have fun.

If you’re good at looking after pets the platform is really for you to side hustle during your free time. So, for anything about taking care of pets or dog-sitting Rover is the right place to consult.

Through the platform, you can find clients who want their dogs to be given company at a cost. And you talk about the terms of service that is whether the client wants the dog to be taken out for fun or in-house service.

If you want convenience, get an app on your phone to sign up and profile yourself. As a service provider, this means that you’re going to be connected to clients with interest.

In case the client wants to contact you to get service will look through your profile and then reach out to you. When you are contacted, the request sent will reflect in “pending requests” where you’ll have to check it out to either qualify it or avoid it.

Qualifying the request is booking it though it’s quite complicated in cases where there is a new client. Before booking, it would also be wise to reach out to clients at their places of residence as recommended on the platform.

After you can either decide to book through the app using the “book it now” button or not accept the offer. Either way, the client can also do the booking after you’ve agreed on the terms of meeting physically.

In case the booking has been done by clicking the “book it now” button the other party has to accept the request within 3 days.

Payments are made through the app and received within a period of 2 to 3 days maximum. Rover takes a commission from any payments made to you through the app about the service type.

Which Services Can Be Offered on Rover to Earn?

The platform has several opportunities that one might go for to deliver service. However, you can decide which one is fit for your schedule or diversify to increase earnings.

Let’s look at some of the services pet sitters provide clients with interest.

  • Dog Walking

Some clients want their dogs to go have a life out moving to enjoy. And since they can’t do it for themselves decide to hire people to do it for them at a cost.

  • House Sitting

With this one, you get paid if you can spend a night at the client’s home to look after pets. It pays better than dog walking though you may have to negotiate on payments.

  • Doggy Day Care

Here you can take the dog to your academy to have a life there or get some training during the day. The clients must have been using your service for some time to entrust you with their dogs.

  • Dog Boarding

This is where the service provider takes the client’s dog to his or her house for a certain period during the day. It’s also another better-paying service compared to dog walking.

Why Do Pet Sitters Prefer Using Rover Platform?

If you want to profit from things that you like most then you have to put in some effort where necessary. And for pet sitters with intentions to earn will look out for ways to market the service physically and online.

Therefore, some pet sitters would prefer one platform to the other according to the benefits derived from the marketing strategy used on any of the platforms.

Rover has been around for quite some time with a proven track record and is open to users any time or day to provide service. Some of the qualities that make this platform stand out among others include.

  1. User-Friendly Interface

Pet sitters can easily sign up or change their details on the platform at any time of the day. This means you can work on your profile to look better whenever you want.

You can easily attach specifications of the pets that you handle say prices, type, and size. Rover can be accessed through the app or website, all well designed with features effectively meeting user needs.

  1. Ease Of Marketing

The platform has a lot of traffic from pet owners ready to pay for pet-sitting services. And all you have to do is ensure that the information provided in the profile is sufficient to get you, clients.

Most pet sitters are using Rover because they don’t take much time hunting down clients due to assured traffic from pet owners. Rover also allows you to physically promote the service through its name say using customized business cards and flyers.

  1. Ease With Payment

Pet sitters receive their money through the platform with ease after work. And in case of any costs to users of the platform, Rover automatically makes deductions.

When clients want to make a booking the platform charges them a fee and pet sitters are also charged a commission at the time of payment through PayPal. Rover deposits within your account in a period of 2 to 3 days.

How To Successfully Profile Yourself to Offer Services on Rover

To successfully Set up a pet sitter profile you need to know how to make a good rover profile and it’s one of the simplest things though quite challenging in case you’re just getting started. Establishing your presence on the platform is at no cost to any user until there’s business.

Make sure that in the profile you include most of the required specifications say service type, time of service, visits to clients, and more. And if you’re just getting started make sure that you manage costs effectively to profit from the business.

In the first place, it would be good to connect with nearby clients that won’t cost you much in terms of transport. Also, to offer service with convenience ensure that you put into consideration pet preferences in your profile to get target clients.

Pet owners won’t waste their time on your profile in case you don’t match their needs. The platform enables you to get the right clients ready to pay for the service type you offer.

Therefore, optimize your profile to match the search on the platform to be found with ease.

Strategies To Use to Make the Most Out of Rover as A Pet Sitter

picture of a person walking dogs

Every pet sitter wants to be on top of the game to make more money and this means you have to set higher standards in service delivery. There’s a lot of competition on the platform hence whether you’re just getting started or not you need to be competitive to get clients.

Therefore, if you want Rover to be rewarding as you wish it’s better to stick to best practices. I know you’re interested in what can enable you to make more money, right? sure, let’s get into it.

  1. Reliability

Clients want pet sitters that are trustworthy and dependable in that even out of their presence you can provide service.

Using this strategy will get you, clients, continuously. And if you’re reliable then you can be available whenever you’re needed.

Some pet sitters indicate in their profiles that they are available yet they aren’t hence unreliable to work with. You should keep the calendar up to date to avoid bouncing clients which may affect you in the long run.

Again, let the clients know whether you’re available to provide service or not. Sure, they also need to know whether you’re working over the weekend or not and this should be included in the calendar.

Rover confirms any changes made for clients to get notified on landing on to your profile. When you’re reliable you keep the availability calendar up to date and it’s one of the key features that put you on top of the search.

Not only do you get easily found but you’re most likely to get repeat clients due to proper service delivery.

  1. Immediate Feedback

Whenever clients communicate with you ensure to respond immediately after reading the comment or message. Install the app onto your phone and sign up to be more efficient in attending to clients.

The platform puts you high in search if you’re responsive enough and this means you’ll get more clients to convert. Rover lets clients know how responsive you’re hence they’re clear about when to get feedback from you.

If you’re into Drop-In services and dog walking you need to get an app to ease communication with clients. For starters, most clients won’t allow you to take their dogs in case you don’t have the app.

  1. Repeat Clients

When some people are satisfied with your services, they will get back to you to cater to their pets. Rover shows the number of repeat clients and this may either give confidence or not to new clients on your profile to book service.

A good number of repeat clients means you’re trusted and reliable which will drive more traffic to your profile. However, repeat clients are not among the factors that will put you high in search but it gives confidence to those interested in the service.

You can only get continuous offers from clients by giving satisfaction in service delivery.

  1. Pet Sitting Reviews

You can get reviews from some clients that you have served in the past. Through the platform, pet owners can include their reviews on your profile when you email to them a profile review link.

But you need to be selective such that you get someone who will write for you an honest review. A profile with an honest review will get you traffic which will turn into bookings that are most likely to convert to make money.

  1. Expose Expertise

Nobody will know how good you’re at providing a given service without revealing it. When creating your Rover profile, it’s the best time to mirror your competence in any of the services that you offer.

And at any time one can make changes to the profile in case he or she gets more reviews and experience.

  1. Share Quality Photos

Most clients are attracted by the quality of the photos you share related to the service offered. Yes, pet sitters have to reflect what they do in the photos which are dog walking and training.

And if that’s what pet owners see in the photos, of course, will reach out to you to meet before booking the service. Take time to get nice pictures that can give a good impression to pet owners so that you can be considered.

Whether you’re good at keeping cats or birds ensure to bring out the best pictures because they mean a lot and you want to stand out. Don’t take photos for the sake of just photos but it should be done with a business sense in mind.

Again, photos communicate to clients who may be interested in the service.

How Much Money Can Be Made on Rover as A Pet Sitter?

In case you’re just getting started on Rover I guess you’re much interested in knowing how much to earn, right? But irrespective of the type of service you offer as a pet sitter on Rover, you can make up to $800 on average a month or even more.

There’re many people making thousands of dollars a month yet working a few hours a day. And like any other side hustle business, you must ensure that your services are satisfying.

Some services may earn you even more money than others for example dog boarding pays better than dog walking. The type and quality of service that you provide impact your earnings at the end of the month.

A good profile will get you more bookings and the higher the bookings the higher the chances of getting deals that make money.

Sure, if you want to make more money then you need more bookings to convert every month. And whichever amount that you make through the app is paid using PayPal within a period of 2 to 3 days.

In case you want to cash out via check it takes about a month to receive it in the mail. And you’re charged for requesting the costly check.

It’s possible earning more than $800 a month using the app as long as you’re effective and efficient at service delivery. Besides how much you earn through the app some clients give tips, how cool is that?

How To Effectively Go About the Booking Process

Signing up on Rover is either through the app or the website, meaning you’re ready to get started working. Pet owners will contact you when they pick interest in your profile and expect feedback.

I don’t know how you do it but clients want quick responses to determine whether you’re a match or not. The best practice would be to make use of notifications such that you don’t miss out on clients’ requests.

Pet sitting is a competitive business that’s why you need to do things better than others. Get back to clients in time such that you don’t give a chance to competitors or else you lose them.

Also, meet with clients to find out whether you’re fit for the service and to ask questions that matter. Before booking, pet owners also want to know your take on their dogs’ character such that they can ascertain whether you’re worth an offer to spend time with their dog or pet.

What Challenges Do Pet Sitters Experience at Work?

Pet sitting is a profitable business venture though it also has some challenges when you’re just getting started. In the case of dogs, you’re going to be dealing with different types of dogs with different characters.

However, if you love dogs there’s nothing to worry about everything will be well in the process. Some of the challenges that pet sitters experience while hustling out include:

  • Feeding

Some dogs react differently to various food types hence they need special attention when it comes to feeding. You may find that a dog from one client eats only cooked food and the other wants certain food types not cooked.

Pet sitters find a hard time living with dogs that don’t share food with them. Take an example where a dog doesn’t eat vegetables, Irish potatoes, eggs, and chicken but only does dog food.

  • Friending Dogs

At times some dogs don’t easily connect with others which at times gives a hard time to pet sitters. Meeting dogs together is challenging but it’s the best way to manage them in a group.

However, as time goes on, you’ll get familiar with which dog types don’t easily get along with others. And it means you either find better skills to manage or give up on taking care of some types.

  • Sleeping Provisions

You need to have a variety of sleeping arrangements such that the dogs can feel at home. It’s at times difficult to tell which sleeping arrangement is right for a dog since they come from different places.

The dog will then act restless or maybe look around for any provision that feels convenient. And you know what, most of the time they will find their way to your bed, couch, or any other place of convenience.

Clients want to give their dogs to sitters who can provide for their dogs with all the required.

Rover Alternatives

If you can’t access Rover other platforms serve the same purpose. Whether you’re a pet owner or sitter here’re some other options that you can use.

  • Wag

wag app logo

This is very well known as a dog walking app though it avails other pet-related services. Other services on Wag include sitting and training but to be a service provider on Wag you have to go through a criminal background check.

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Another alternative that offers pet care services is On this platform, some of the pet care services available include dog walking, training, boarding, and more.

  • Fetch

fetch dog app logo

If you’re looking for a more competent service provider this platform does everything right with expertise. It ensures that service providers are matched to the most viable deals say, specific clients.

  • HouseCarers

This platform connects house sitters to house owners interested in their services. House sitters provide sitting services for homes and pets available at a cost.

  • Trusted House Sitters

trusted housesitters logo

Whether you want to provide or get services for house sitters this platform is meant for you. The platform ensures that there’s a thorough background on its users.


  • Which other pets are acceptable on the Rover platform?

The app is so into dogs but also other pets say birds, rabbits, horses, guinea pigs, and more are acceptable. Just ensure that you very well profile yourself in the best way possible as a pet sitter of a certain pet type.

  • Which level of competence is required to become a pet sitter?

Becoming a pet sitter isn’t hard at all as long as you love pets, just be trustworthy, creative, and reliable. But in case you want to be ahead of your competition you can go for a pet CPR certification to give more confidence to clients.

  • Are earnings for pet sitters gotten through Rover taxed?

Pet sitters are independent contractors and their earnings are taxed. If you’re aspiring to become one, you’ll then have to consult with a tax expert to work things out.

The End

Pet sitting or dog walking is a side hustle that you can take on during your spare time to earn an income. You schedule your working hours and it’s also up to you to determine how much to charge.

Anyone can make money through the platform as long as he or she has love for pets and offers good service. Make sure that you draft an enticing profile that will attract clients to contact you.



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