18 Things to Do For Money at the Start of the Month to Improve Financially

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Checking bills

As always most people receive a salary at the end of the month or the start of a new month, this can be a great time to look into things to do for money at the start of the month calculatively.

Understand what you want to do for your money to start the new month when you are clear about your way forward to meet your goals.

However, when you start the month you are looking at what you have at hand and what you expect to earn by the end of the month. First things first, no matter how much you are earning there’s a list of things to consider to put your money to good use.

Some things can wait and those that can’t, let the money available do the work to have a healthy start to the month with your finances.

You don’t have to be a finance professional to start a new month with most things perfect about your money. Look into our checklist of things to do when you want to improve your financial lifestyle at the beginning of the month.

Outcomes of Not Reviewing Previous Money Mistakes at the Start of a New Month

When you don’t look into the financials of the previous month to make things right, a lot is most likely to negatively impact your money goals. Let’s briefly get into the consequences of not revising money mistakes.

  • Repeated Mistakes

When you avoid looking into your financials for the previous month to make changes where necessary, you are most likely to make the same money errors throughout the new month since you don’t where to improve.

  • Financial Stress

You can only realize financial health to avoid stress when you work on your financials with best practices like revising your money goals every start of the month. Sure, stressful times are coming your way if you don’t correct mistakes made the previous month.

  • Continuous Borrowing

Borrowing too much is not a good money practice no matter your financial status. When you don’t look at your borrowing rate for the previous months you may end up in too much debt which you may not pay back in time.

  • Poor Credit Rating

Not sparing time to look at how you cleared your credit card debts for the previous month accordingly may result in a bad credit rating. Sometimes when you make late payments, you are charged fees that result in high payback amounts in loans hence poor rating.

18 Things to Do For Money At the Start of the Month to Improve Financially

It’s the start of the month and you want to know where to start, right? Here is a list of things to improve your finances at the start of the month.

  1. Budgeting

Adding figures using a calculator

This is one of the first things you must consider at the start of every month to keep in control of your income and expenditure. With consistency in budgeting, you can tell where your money has gone instead of asking where it went.

Effective budgeting doesn’t have to be complicated despite being a critical process. Again, it is not that simple to develop a budgeting plan when you have a busy schedule throughout the month, but it should be prioritized among things to do for money at the start of the month.

  1. Pay Off Debts

If you have some debts to settle at the start of the month you need to make sure that payments are done as soon as possible to avoid late payment charges.

You pay debts at the beginning of the month, right? Automate at least 20% of your monthly paycheck earnings to cover debts.

Honestly, when you start the month without worrying about debts and interest charges it is financially healthy. Mind about debt settlement in time to avoid fines and penalties due to late payment.

  1. Cutting Utility Bills

Are utilities taking a big portion of your paycheck every month? Think about revising utility costs to save money in your budget.

You need to look into your electricity bills, home phone, gas, water, and more every start of the month to cut item by item to save.

Always shop around for service providers with the best offers on bills as you look into other money-saving tips monthly like using energy-saving electronic appliances and unplugging.

  1. Grocery Shopping

Let’s say you make a grocery list every two weeks, the best time to shop for groceries is when you buy in bulk on black Friday at the start of the month at a lower cost. It is one thing you don’t want to miss out on with money in your checking account.

Grocery shopping can be interesting when you have a meal plan in place. Sure, you won’t spend on things you have not planned for in the budget.

Again, in most places, black Fridays for things on sale are held at the start of the month which saves a lot of money bulk buying.

  1. Reviewing Subscriptions

Get to know which subscriptions were used last month and those that you didn’t. You can save money on subscriptions in two main ways every month for example shopping around for cheap options and stopping subscriptions you don’t use.

Things to do every start of the month to save money, right? Look through all the subscriptions you made to see whether they are worth costing you money the following month to improve your finances.

  1. Look Out For Free Things

At the start of the month you want to save more from your budget, right? Considering things that will cost you little to no money at all will save you a lot.

If you want to start every month in saving mode, look out for budget-friendly options like parks for leisure, free concerts, public gardens, discounted movie shows, and more. This is another great way to extremely cut costs at the start of the month from your budget.

  1. Look Through the Previous Month

When you are into a new month it doesn’t mean that you don’t have anything to do with the previous month. Whatever happened last month can be used to make the new month even better.

Take some time to reflect on the previous month to know where and why some things didn’t work out as you expected to improve where necessary. Truth is, there might be some money mistakes made that have to be corrected immediately.

Like you planned the month in the first place, still there’s a chance to correct whatever went wrong the previous month for a new beginning.

  1. Revise Your Spending Journal

Checking the spending journal

Whenever you are starting a new month you need to review your spending to know where changes must be made. With a spending journal in place, you are clear about your expenses in the budget on record.

Any expenditures which are not worthy of costing you money the following month can be stopped with immediate effect. As said, this has to be done every month to keep in check your expenses for the month to save money.

  1. Meal Planning

When the month has just begun planning meals is one of the most important things to do to save time and money. Without proper meal planning for the month, you are most likely to lose money in food waste.

Despite the busy schedule throughout the month, planning meals earlier should be prioritized to save time and ensure a financially healthy food budget.

Sure, you won’t have a reason to order food online that is costly when you can prepare meals in advance on a budget. Let meal planning be among the things to do for money at the start of the month to improve your finances.

  1. Making Changes

Whether everything is working out as you planned financially every month, still there are changes you need to make to keep up. Let’s say your expenses last month were reduced, then in a new month consider keeping up with better budgeting best practices to extremely cut costs.

Besides, when your expenses are cut you would also consider increasing your savings in the new month. No matter how well you see things working out in your money life, you must keep making changes continuously with the best results all throughout the year.

  1. Plan Eating Out Smart

Sometimes it is hard to completely cut eating out even though you want to save. However, when you plan to eat out you can do it cautiously by ordering meals directly from restaurants instead of online apps, joining clubs for deals, and carrying your juice or water.

The month can be quite challenging when you don’t plan to save money despite your monthly expenditures. Search for better ways to save at the start of the month when you can’t have that time to meal plan for the new month.

Sure, eating out smart lowers your monthly meal costs especially when you expect to have a tight schedule during the month.

  1. No Spend Challenge

You are wondering whether this can be done every month, right? Yes, there is a list of things you can avoid every month to improve your financials for example going to the movies, drinking alcohol, gifts, dates, and more.

Get at least one item every month you plan not to spend money on to save. Let’s say whenever the month ends you spend hundreds of dollars on alcohol, this money can be saved in the no-spend month on alcohol.

A no-spend month on specific items may not be interesting to work out continuously but worth it when you do the math at the end of the year to save money.

  1. Pay Yourself

Immediately when you receive your paycheck earnings one thing you don’t have to forget is paying yourself first. I mean put some money aside as savings into your savings account for future investment plans.

With a lot of developments in technology today, this can be done without you lifting a finger at all through automation. You arrange with your service provider to do all the work for you at just a small charge to automate savings from your checking account to your savings account at the start of the month.

Pay yourself a reasonable amount since you have to account for your expenditures too for the month. Over some time, you will have enough money saved in your savings account.

  1. Avoid Impulse Buying

Stick to your list to avoid buying things not on the budget, it is another great way to quit spending unnecessarily. People spend a lot every start of the month because they have money at their disposal.

Some of the different ways to stop impulse buying include moving with limited cash for listed items, avoiding moving with a credit card, not shopping on an empty stock, and quitting window shopping.

This can be done continuously for the good of your financials every month to save. Depending on your level of commitment impulse buying can easily be avoided.

  1. Grab Coupons and Cashback Apps

Do you know that there is money to be saved every month on coupons and cashback apps at your convenience?

With coupons, you can get them physically in paper form or online by clicking on them via an app. This will mean purchasing things at a greater discount or even for free to save.

Cashback apps are also another realistic money-saving criterion for shopping online. Look through a list of apps and coupons with the best money-saving options for the new month.

  1. Do It Yourself (DIY)


After receiving that paycheck for the month you can easily be tempted to spend on things you can fix at home at no cost. Some things can be done by yourself like slashing the compound, repairing door locks, fixing car tires, and preparing your meals.

You can only hire a professional when it is required once in a while and make use of platforms like YouTube and Tik Tok you will find a lot of DIY tutorials.

  1. Manifest Money Goals

Manifesting money goals to attract abundance at the start of the month is one thing you don’t need to miss out on. If things didn’t work out last month, start the new month with positivity towards your goals.

How to successfully manifest money goals, right? Use constructive affirmations, appreciate your achievements, visualize money goals, and tell the world to provide.

You should be specific, timely, and emotionally connected to your desires for an effective money manifestation process. Monthly goal setting at the start of the month should be accompanied by manifestation.

  1. Make a Food Inventory

Check your grocery list and the kitchen every start of the month to find out where you need to improve compared to last month. Despite your busy schedule, this is one of the ways you can improve the grocery list and the kitchen to avoid wastage.

You don’t want to run out of groceries, ingredients, and other food materials you need to make a food inventory at the start of the month.


  • Is It Possible To Improve Your Financial Health by Reviewing Your Money Goals Monthly?

Sure, when you revise your money goals every month or so you can easily identify where you need to make changes to improve your financial health.

  • What Are Some Of The Main Things To Put Into Consideration At The Start Of The Month For Money?

Some of the main items to consider include budgeting, paying off debts, cutting utility bills, reviewing subscriptions, and revising your spending journal.

Conclusion – Things to Do For Money at the Start of the Month

Preparing for a new month and at the same time revising last month is quite challenging to some people with busy schedules but worth your time when you want to improve your financials.


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